Example sentences of "they [verb] [pron] [prep] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 The Conti family held on to Sora after the election of Innocent 's successor , Honorius III , who wished to retain their loyalty and allowed them to keep it in return for payment , but lost the territory back to the Regno after a successful campaign by Frederick II in 1221 .
2 I think that 's an implication of what they were accusing him of , but were they bringing him to trial for .
3 you know , and he said like they want them on record for universities and things and some
4 With regard to methodology , audio-lingual techniques ( A-LM ) seem to meet this situation as they provide plenty of opportunity for the student to use foreign language responses in the classroom situation and to receive the reinforcement of acceptance and comprehension .
5 b ) They provide plenty of material for phonological and grammatical analysis at all levels .
6 You have to collect old papers and find the special places where they swap them in return for new toilet paper .
7 she 's just giving , she 's just give me an adult education centre there at Spinny Hill , Northampton and she said they put everything in perspective for you so that you know where you 've got to start , what is available to you and then she said if you go down the job centre and ask them if E T , education , employment training
8 Animals become territorial because they get something in return for their effort — food , for instance .
9 She was frightened and depressed when they took her into hospital for the operation on December 22 , but she was fit enough to go home on Christmas Day .
10 They kept me in hospital for a week , even though after the first day they were able to tell me that my violent indigestion following my curry debauch had not dislodged — or even seriously inconvenienced my small passenger .
11 ‘ The crime they sent me to prison for ! ’
12 They sent me to prison for trying to free my country .
13 ‘ Perhaps you think the crime they sent you to prison for makes you unworthy of God 's mercy .
14 That night , they had plenty of opportunity for conversation , and here they had one of their most memorable encounters .
15 I was not only surprised to find they had plenty of timber for fence posts , but also that it cost far less than new wood .
16 By itself it does n't prove a thing , but it 's my way of getting them to take me to Strathspeld for the funeral ; I can look McDunn in the eye and tell him the truth and he knows it 's the truth and he 'll take me .
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