Example sentences of "they [verb] [verb] quite a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 yes , well I used to read a lot of story books , travel avidly and I think I forget all about the author and the story , but I remember one portion where they discovered a depression in the middle of a continent where it was in excess of and they 'd grown quite a different specie
2 The Bill 's interesting , I think , because they do have quite a few isolated episodes , like that issue of wife battering , which can be quite progressive .
3 They 've got quite a nice it 's not a large house but it 's a good size lounge and dining room and kitchen .
4 on the road er They 've got quite a good selection now .
5 They 've got quite a few of these at erm at , at the Railway Trust , they 've er they 've got a number of these signal boxes .
6 No it 's changed the er they 've got quite a few plays going on , they 've got chess going on
7 and they 've got quite a big place at Harrogate where you could go for a day or two to observe what was going on and so on .
8 They do quite a , they 've got quite a big programme in Gosforth and Newcastle and
9 but they 've had quite a good dinnertime today so I think they 're letting her stop a bit longer .
10 If I can just join in the Scum-bashing here , am I the only person that thinks Sharpe is the most over-rated piece of crap ever to have pulled on a red shirt ( and they 've had quite a few ) ?
11 Should think they 've had quite a few .
12 They had done quite a good job , Holly could see that , in containing the fire .
13 Luckily the office below is not used as they have produced quite a smelly mess with droppings and remains of prey falling out from the ceiling !
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