Example sentences of "they [verb] [verb] [adv] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Though they failed to make up a similar deficit against Essex on day two , losing 5–4 , their two doubles victories kept up their tally of rubbers going into the final day .
2 They agreed to set up a Supreme Council of British Mosques to consider how British Muslims should respond to Saddam Hussein 's call for a holy war .
3 They agreed to set up a working group on normalizing relations , to meet in New York , headed by Kenneth Quinn , a US deputy assistant secretary of state , and Trinh Xuan Lang , Vietnam 's ambassador to the UN .
4 In Brussels yesterday , EC transport ministers took a step towards allowing the European Commission to negotiate transport accords on behalf of EC states , when they agreed to set up a working party to see when and how the Commission could negotiate .
5 In Brussels yesterday , EC transport ministers took a step towards allowing the executive European Commission to negotiate transport accords on behalf of EC states , when they agreed to set up a working party to see when and how the Commission could negotiate .
6 The Germans had no illusions about the military effectiveness of their principal ally , and at first they agreed to accept only a few divisions of the Alpini , the specialist mountain troops who could hold their own with any in Europe .
7 To pick up David 's point now , if this is the client who 's already running the house , the mortgage , it 's , you know , a few years old , they want to take out a further advance , for some house improvements , or something , then obviously they now need more , so it might be at this stage we then want a P S P for the remaining , you know , ten years , eleven years , twelve years , or whatever , because they 've borrowed some more money from the building society .
8 They helped to bring about a severe crisis of authority at the end of Alexander 's reign , they laid the foundations for the major radical parties of the twentieth century , including the Bolshevik Party , and they provided the country 's leadership in the early Soviet period .
9 Had he forgotten how they 'd parted just a few hours earlier ?
10 They 'd gone down a narrow alleyway — up North they 're called ‘ ginnels ’ but do n't ask me why ; I just observe , I do n't translate — which led to another alley at right-angles .
11 Researchers could n't be sure radon was such a danger until they 'd built up a complete picture .
12 yes , well I used to read a lot of story books , travel avidly and I think I forget all about the author and the story , but I remember one portion where they discovered a depression in the middle of a continent where it was in excess of and they 'd grown quite a different specie
13 The darkness was almost complete now ; she could only see the faintest outline of his features , enough to know that they 'd taken on a hard , determined cast .
14 Not a lot of weight as you imagine because they 're all little tiny sprigs this high , and obviously what they are going to do , they were being taken to south Wales where they going to start off a new little forest presumably .
15 When Willis came out , England were 197 ahead with 151 minutes and twenty overs left and there can not have been many who doubted West Indies would win , but with Willis lunging his left leg forward and Willey protecting him from the strike as much as possible , they began to put together a remarkable stand .
16 This decided them that more work was needed to verify whether there was indeed fusion , and so they began to plan out a detailed strategy and designed an experiment — ‘ scaling it ’ in the sense that Fleischmann had learned in his days at Imperial College .
17 But then they began to climb up a narrow , spiral staircase , and she saw no more .
18 Police have released a photofit of a man they believe carried out an armed raid on an estate agents .
19 They undertook to set up a technical committee to oversee the ceasefire , under the supervision of ECOWAS ( the Economic Community of West African States ) , and to declare all ports and airports " military-free zones " .
20 retained direct control of the ‘ Croydon & District Tramways ’ might not work well if the new lines had to be separated administratively from the Corporation system , so they decided to set up a subsidiary company as they had done in other areas .
21 They keep saying well a sixth must be bigger cos six is bigger .
22 Together , by getting their fingers in the rat-holes , they managed to tug up a few feet of rotten chestnut boarding , tindery at the edges .
23 Liz had joked that they were sure , in the rafters , to discover a dead baby , and indeed they did find there a mummified cat , which a pathologist friend hazarded to be at least a hundred years old .
24 They do make up a minor genre : the expedition into Darkest Britain , as trekked by George Orwell and a trickle of disciples up to , and including , the Belfast writer and photographer team of Robert McLiam Wilson and Donovan Wylie , who publish The Dispossessed ( Picador ) this week .
25 The Bill 's interesting , I think , because they do have quite a few isolated episodes , like that issue of wife battering , which can be quite progressive .
26 Although they aim to carve out an inviolable space for individualist explanation , the boundaries of this area remain unspecified ; some human behaviour , it is allowed , requires a holistic approach ; but when does individualism give way to holism and vice versa ?
27 Mr Chairman , I , would like to slightly and trying not to be parochial , but having looked at the erm , figures , I , I just can not believe that those are honest figures , I mean there are eleven hundred and sixty nine people unemployed in Craven Arms or something like that , and they 've lost over a thousand jobs over the last few years , and erm , very few of those have been replaced .
28 Through word of mouth and demand from customers , they 've built up a sizable business with five drivers .
29 Over the last three years they 've built up a steady following , which is hardly surprising , since their stage show is one of the most acclaimed in local music .
30 A government anti- hooligan committee has been sitting with the Football Association ; they 've drawn up a great body of information collated by the police football intelligence unit based in London .
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