Example sentences of "they [verb] [noun] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 Within a few years of transfer to the South Metropolitan system , all these cars had the headlamps moved from the canopy front to the usual position on the dash , one reason being that it enabled them to carry advertisements in the same positions as the rest of the fleet .
2 This lets them process graphics at the same speed as their Intel chips instead of the tardy 8MHz allowed by the traditional ISA buses .
3 And erm so now when we go they 're awfully sweet and they bring Edmund at the same time
4 Of course , whether people are refused credit because of their probable inability to repay , or whether they do not apply for it because they expect refusal on the same grounds , the results are the same .
5 It was she who , commenting on the Sharon Tate murder in August 1969 , said ‘ Dig it , first they killed those pigs , then they ate dinner in the same room with them , then they even shoved a fork into a victim 's stomach !
6 There was , of course , a diversity of tenures — so much so that it can never be assumed that the customs of any two manors were identical , or even similar , unless perhaps they formed part of the same feudal honour , for example the barony of Lewes in Sussex , which had evolved a set of common customs .
7 5. if there are different species of whelk occurring together , are they selecting prey in the same manner ?
8 They are alike in that both form part of a single entity-identifier ; this is reflected in surface syntax by the fact that they form part of the same noun phrase as their head noun .
9 Yet Mary Joe forcibly made the point that ‘ exhibitions can hurt the tour when they take place during the same period , the same City or just the same continent as specified sanctioned tournaments . ’
10 They do not promise change in the sense of progress ; they promise change in the same way that the apparatchiks of yesteryear want the Communists back in the Kremlin .
11 After a year of experiment she and Mike had agreed that where both of them had meetings on the same night , Mike would try and arrange his at home : he could listen and take part in a discussion with a two-year-old on his lap .
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