Example sentences of "on their [noun sg] for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But why anyone would want to carry a bike up a mountain on their shoulder for the pleasure of being able to bump about on it for tiny , short stretches of flat ridge was completely beyond me .
2 There is a meeting of the Police Committee on Monday and there is an item on their budget for the provision of the camera and of the back up support for processing the offenders as part of their budget proposals and they will be considering that on Monday .
3 ‘ By the way , I checked on their story for the night Sir Ralph died ; both Sir Fulke and Rastani were absent from the Tower and there are people who can guarantee their whereabouts . ’
4 On Saturday night , they had worked hard on their holiday for the sake of the Prince of Wales , and this was all the thanks they got .
5 The families we who 've used our arts centres in other parts of the country have been influenced erm not just by the quality of art work on display , but also by the fact they can get decent beer and erm good , cheap food erm and the children and the other parts of the family have got plenty of other activities to take an interest in and I think it would need the university to think seriously about developing the social side of the Gardener Centre in those terms , and that 's why it was deeply disappointing to find the university pulling back on their subsidy for the Gardener Centre as that really ca n't help anybody find the most appropriate role for the building .
6 Hanging back so they were just at the limit of vision , she followed them through the tunnels of the complex , occasionally passing other personnel or soldiers , who ignored her to concentrate on their search for the fugitive .
7 First on their list for the spring is a show called ‘ Deconstruction ’ , in which the subject is the externalising of support garments to outerwear .
8 The Minister of Culture of the Netherlands , Mrs Hedy d'Ancona , has informed Parliament that important works of art in Dutch museums may not be deaccessioned before the Arts Council has advised the Minister on their importance for the nation .
9 The Smithsonian in Washington will omit locations on their database for the sake of conservation and security .
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