Example sentences of "on the [adj] [noun pl] [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 So it has dawned on the financial markets that the enemy might actually win the next election .
2 The US Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) has announced plans to impose limits on discharges of toxic chemicals into waterways on the 18 states and the District of Columbia which have thus far failed to adopt EPA-approved standards .
3 The realization of the capacity depends on the earliest blueprints and the infant 's experiences of mutuality , giving and receiving or , sadly , its absence .
4 Shortly before the Unemployed Workmen Bill became law , in early August 1905 , Balfour announced the establishment of a Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and the Relief of Distress which would report on ‘ Everything which appertains to … the problem of the poor , whether poor by their own fault or by temporary lack of employment . ’
5 He preached mainly on the great truths or the essential doctrines of the Christian faith .
6 On the rare occasions that the drains run very clear you can see that the dredger has left all sorts of lumps and troughs along the bottom and these would never be found normally except by the most meticulous plumbing .
7 On the rare occasions when the cooling towers are for maintenance , the staff wait eagerly to see what the pond reveals .
8 On the rare occasions when the Indian does seek to build up a reserve for himself , he squanders it at once .
9 The moons shone down , on desert and steppe ; on the polar settlements and the canyonlands where the somnolent canals flow deep and wide .
10 The February and October revolutions seem to have had the same effect on the Russian colonists as the expulsion of the British had on the American colonists in the eighteenth century — a removal of all restraint on the ambitions to despoil native lands and assets .
11 For a while Ayrshire and Durham Shorthorn bulls were used on the Breton cows but the results were not worth while .
12 Considerable importance was placed by the government on the favourable effects that the MTFS would have on expectations about prices and employment , and therefore on wage claims .
13 A decision tree can now be drawn as in Figure 5.5 , the above probabilities entered on the appropriate branches and the pay-offs rolled back .
14 A decision tree can now be drawn as in Figure 5.5 , the above probabilities entered on the appropriate branches and the pay-offs rolled back .
15 Er , in a number of ways I think everybody will agree that it 's been improved by er the er demolition of the terrace blocks , rather than refurbishment and the opportunity has been taken to create erm perhaps a a more comfortable relationship between bungalows that are about to be refurbished and the new houses , because the new houses are designed in such a way as to keep the scale down so whereas the terraced blocks were anything up to four storey , the new houses will only be two storey and in a number of cases they will they will be a relatively low two storey so that erm I will just point out on the front elevations that the roof comes down fairly low relative to the first floor windows so that it 's not too much above the , the roofs on the bungalows , we 're not talking about compromising people 's heads on the internal though !
16 Dr Anne Dawson , senior official in the Department of Health and Social Security on the possible consequences if the Department warned the NHS about the dangers of salmonella We have known that there was salmonella in 60 percent of chickens ' guts for many years .
17 The problem is that the researcher has imposed a limit on the possible answers that the respondent may give , and this may cast doubt on the validity of the data collected .
18 Visitors can see the sculptured memorial slabs in the monks ' dormitory and a small exhibition on the Cistercian monks and the abbey .
19 That will depend on the available resources and the needs that become evident .
20 Well the er consumer appreciation outlined er again that 's divided into two areas and it 's based on the socioeconomic groups and the purchasing patterns of the members of the public .
21 Well , I think if you see a good idea , you want to share it , and I think anything that we can do that will cut down on the terrible casualties and the deaths on our roads of , particularly of children , we must do it .
22 The label ‘ DCE compliant ’ wo n't necessarily appear on the early releases although the technology will form the core of the offering .
23 The bus wound its way through the ring of nineteenth-century villas on the upper slopes and the post-war apartments below them , down to the modern blocks and towers on the flat land around the station , where it pulled up .
24 The average width of reefs found by Daly was about 600 m ( 2 000 ft ) , while wide reefs in the Banda Sea between Celebes and New Guinea , which are between three and four times the average in width , could be explained on the reasonable grounds that the area is so near the equator that temperatures never fell sufficiently to kill the coral .
25 They seem determined to spend their community charge payers ' money on the most irrelevant and frivolous projects rather than concentrating on the real problems that the hon. Gentleman described .
26 Is he aware that my constituents in the retail industry will take careful note of his response to the hon. Member for Sedgefield ( Mr. Blair ) on the devastating effects that the minimum wage would have on that industry ?
27 On the blue Curtains and the dusty Walls :
28 They have come around to accepting them , but on the dubious grounds that the palaeontological evidence now proves that the earliest hominids arose in Africa about 5–6 million years ago and that Ramapithecus was not a hominid .
29 You can picnic on the spacious lawns whilst the children play happily on the adventure play area , or you may wish to eat in the large cafeteria .
30 In other words , changes in literature depend not on the personal circumstances or the psychological make-up of an author , but on the pre-existing forms of literature .
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