Example sentences of "do [not/n't] [verb] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the Commons , Sir Thomas Clarges moved that " a standing Army is destructive to the Country " , whilst his fellow Tory , Edward Seymour , declared that " the safety of the Kingdom doth not consist with a standing force " , adding ( in a way which anticipated Tory arguments used after 1689 ) that " all the profit and security of this Nation is in our Ships , and had there been the least ship in the Channel " , Monmouth could never have landed .
2 I mean she does n't she do n't get through a lot of chocolates does she ?
3 A member of parliament unable to gratify a constituent 's wish for a cadetship for his son had to explain that failure , and if age did not intervene as a barrier to future prospects , the politician would be expected to indicate when a successful outcome might be anticipated .
4 Further it suggested that of those people who did not go to a lawyer , a higher proportion had received help from outside the household , and of that group only one-quarter had received advice to go to a lawyer which they had ignored Such contrary evidence does not denigrate the value of pre-legal advice , but suggests that , as would be expected , it is not the only significant factor in determining whether , and if so why and how , people seek legal advice .
5 People did not go to a hospital to be cured but to be killed or maimed .
6 I could not keep food or fluids down and when the symptoms did not go after a couple of days they took me to the hospital and put me on a drip . ’
7 No more than one in ten of the items we submit are printed and even the report of Peter 's adoption did not appear until a week later and only then after complaints to the Editor .
8 Puzzled , he wondered if she had gone upstairs to her children , which she did not do as a rule , and was about to ascend ; when from up there came a great cry , and the sound of a fall from the window .
9 They did not talk for a minute or so , studiously examining every inch of the tablecloth or the other diners .
10 For , among other reasons , Turks did not fit into a Zuwaya genealogy ; in theory , it is possible to find all forty shaikhs who appeared from time to time in Zuwaya stories in a genealogy ( although it is only anthropologists who are sufficiently naive to ask which men were the victims and where did they fit in lists of ancestors ) .
11 The Church did not grow as a result of Protestants reacting to evidence of increased Catholic demands and assertiveness .
12 Nenna did not answer for a second , and Tilda bellowed :
13 He did not complain about a friendship betrayed .
14 There was only one way in , by the drawbridge and the gate-towers ; he had racked his brains for an alternative , but there was none , short of procuring an ally within the walls , and that idea he did not entertain for a moment .
15 On the dining-room walls today hang generations of Macleods ; Boswell and Johnson were entertained by the 23rd chief , Norman , who did not marry for a decade after the travellers stayed here .
16 But in the isolation that their riches had brought about , and in their serene acceptance that privilege was their due , they did not anticipate for a moment the press of people Don Antonio Beatillo 's idiosyncratic will would bring to their door .
17 The farmer did not reply for a moment , then he went up between the cows and gently rubbed Blossom 's forehead " Aye , this is the one , Jack . "
18 The poster at the end of the tunnel was so large and so perfectly lit that it seemed to O , looking up at it suddenly , that the tunnel did not end in a wall , in fact did not end at all , but led to the green fields of France .
19 He was educated at Eton and Trinity College , Cambridge , where he did not sit for a degree .
20 He was diagnosed anti-depressants by his doctor but failed to take them and did not return for a check up two weeks later .
21 McKee suggests that it was important to them that they did not return to a pre-adult state of dependence upon their parents .
22 The street system did not accord to a grid pattern .
23 Any liquid would gather in the ditch and there would be plenty of time to take preventive action , since it did not discharge to a stream for some distance .
24 Such generosity did not extend to a paper tie and crown that Picasso had made for Richardson ( also for Cooper ) on some gala occasion .
25 The Arab predilection for drama , at least in personal relationships , did not extend to a taste for Shakespeare 's comedies translated into Arabic , and the house was less than half full .
26 But Rachel did not feel like a bride .
27 His lips did not move by a fraction of an inch , but the expression in his eyes said he was amused and prepared to bide his time .
28 L. , 1976 ) water authorities had a statutory power to make orders imposing charges on persons not connected to mains drainage was held to be ultra vires as the correct state of affairs did not exist as a precondition to the exercise of the power .
29 Meanwhile , the NSF led by former Prime Minister Petre Roman elected a new executive bureau on April 9 and condemned the NSF-22 December branch , saying that it did not exist as a party , but only " expressed an intention " .
30 The interpretation is a valuable reminder that the crisis of 1483 did not exist in a vacuum .
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