Example sentences of "do [not/n't] see [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On this occasion , in fact , a reply of sorts did occur to me as I stood up there on the ladder ; a reply to the effect that those of our profession , although we did not see a great deal of the country in the sense of touring the countryside and visiting picturesque sites , did actually see more of England than most , placed as we were in houses where the greatest ladies and gentlemen of the land gathered .
2 And never mind if some of them did not see a single golf-ball struck .
3 This new position was achieved only as a result of continuous warfare ; there was hardly a year in the third century that did not see the Roman army engaged in some campaign .
4 Mrs Puri did not see the New Year in , but the following day she celebrated the event in her own inimitable fashion .
5 When Rosa looked at the Madonna of the Spasm , she did not see the immaculate mother , the tower of ivory , the fountain sealed , the spring shut up , the enclosed garden of the Madonna 's perpetual virginity .
6 So he did not see the young photographer who was now taking pictures of the King …
7 He did not see the young lady but found a small sculptured image of Our Lady .
8 for their part , the British did not see the Canadian proposal as much of a compromise , and indeed seemed already to have given up on the conference .
9 At first Sara did not see the two figures standing close together at the end of the room .
10 The people did not see the two youths — but if they saw them now they say they would lynch them .
11 Victoria , at last , went to sleep and did not see the slow beginnings of London nor wake when the train finally halted at the arched and echoing terminus .
12 The creatures of Riverbank did not see the big dog the next day .
13 The first half of the 1980s did not see the same rate of increase in local and central government employment as most of the post-war period .
14 However , a subject did not see the same material in more than one of its forms .
15 It said that the governors ‘ do not see the immediate necessity for applying to the Crown for a Royal Charter to be granted to this Institution ’ but that ‘ every facility ’ would be given to the veterinary surgeons ‘ for procuring an Act of Parliament to prevent certain grievances complained of by the Memorial , which could not be relieved by a Charter ’ .
16 The usual advice is to prepare the ground by digging two spits deep , but we are rarely given an explanation why , and for that very reason , therefore , we do not see the correct way to do it .
17 I do not see the theological basis on which we can go on saying that the human species is of such overwhelming and unique and colossal significance that it justifies as a matter of course the institutional exploitation of billions of other species .
18 But you know , what an awful Scotch thick-head I am , and that I never give up a thing , before I do not see the absolute impossibility . ’
19 They do not see the antiquated Gloria combine harvesters or the Transylvanian wheat fields bloodshot with poppies : charming to the eye , but evidence of faltering investment in machinery and decent fertilisers .
20 You do not see the same happening at Northampton , Bath , Orrell or Gloucester .
21 But perhaps you do not see the same thing as I do .
22 There is a very important sense in which they do not see the same thing , and it is this latter sense upon which my criticism of the inductivist position has been based .
23 For example , those who adhere to Realism simply do not see the same world as those who adhere to Pluralism or Structuralism : they see different actors , different issues , and different pieces of evidence .
24 He said , ‘ We did n't see a great deal of one another , it 's true ; but I was fond of Jay . ’
25 Joe did n't see a great deal of his dad during the year , with his trips abroad and everything , so they used to reserve at least one day when they could do things together . ’
26 We did n't see a single soldier or vehicle and assumed that the US army was blocking off La Boca from the Panama Defence Force , whose local headquarters is only about 300 yards from our house .
27 4–0 for those who did n't see the other posts , plus our man Vinnie managed to miss a penalty , just to add to the fun , according to my BBC World Service report this side of the Atlantic .
28 It can be proved by witnesses stating that they saw the defendant ‘ drive round the roundabout and wander into the side of another car ’ or ‘ brake rather late and run into the car in front ’ or by the defendant stating that ‘ I misjudged the gap or distance ’ or ‘ I did n't see the other car , motorbike , cycle or pedestrian , etc . ’
29 The offender 's non-observance of other vehicles or traffic signs etc. is generally no defence , e.g. ‘ I did n't see the other car ’ or ‘ I did n't see the ‘ stop ’ sign ’ .
30 The referee did n't see the Goulding incident and he was n't reported .
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