Example sentences of "do [vb infin] [pron] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I did enjoy our cup of tea together , and thank you for trusting me enough to tell me about your husband 's alcoholism .
2 While I do use my vehicle off road , I use it more on the road , what is the best type and size for general use .
3 The power to move a body , and the ability to think , do constitute our idea of mind .
4 The Gallup/BBC survey shows that Britons do see their future as part of Europe while remaining rightly sceptical about the benefits so far of EC membership .
5 ‘ Then I do hope your devotion to duty has n't made you late for some pressing engagement , ’ he added suavely .
6 In 1986 I noticed that the Americans and Italians were wearing extremely skintight shorts , and while there was no chance I was going to wear those , they did set my imagination in motion .
7 Our 1910 sample did serve its apprenticeship in trade-union organization , and this episode provides the last chapter in the story .
8 If the Greeks do get their economy under control , they still have to do something about their politics .
9 If you are fortunate enough to have a friendly neighbour who does not object to you working on your wall from his side of the boundary , then do get his agreement in writing .
10 Carla , inevitably , did get her job in publishing .
11 But we did get our cup of tea . ’
12 He did ask his sister for money .
13 Their only hope was a university scholarship or exhibition and , though a small number of refugees did find their way into university by this route , it was more common for those who wanted to continue their studies to attend evening classes or sign on for correspondence courses .
14 But it does endure its share of predation by man .
15 Whereas when Rabbit tells Pooh there 's honey , Pooh does get his belief from Rabbit ; and specifically , from what Rabbit himself believes .
16 That really does put my mind at ease ! ’
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