Example sentences of "do [adv] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 ( vii ) Where the chairman holds a proxy requiring him to vote for a particular resolution , if no one else proposes that resolution , he must do so unless he considers that there is good reason for not doing so ( r 6.89 ) .
2 They may also do so if they anticipate that their liquid assets may soon be squeezed by government monetary policy .
3 But there is no doing so unless we accept that the literal writer has an imagination .
4 Fair enough he may have had a very good reason for doing so but I thought that that would have been a typical apack erm he did say well you know I just want to run it by him , you know , just to make sure but you , you still needed to know why he thought that his accountant had to be involved .
5 But was he under any duty to do more than he did merely because he knew that the money was intended ultimately to be lent by the father to the son ?
6 By and large , those who approved of conscription when it came did so because they believed that it was everyone 's duty to serve in the armed forces in any case .
7 It is probably a more accurate reflection of the truth , because of the likelihood that at least some of those who said ‘ yes ’ did so because they thought that the answer was expected of them .
8 No problem , I stand I stand as I did before and I accept that that 's extra .
9 My Lords if this bill had been introduced by a government of a different political persuasion to the present one , I would of course have spoken in precisely the same terms as I do today and I believe that in circumstances of that sort , the overwhelming majority of this House would have taken precisely the same view .
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