Example sentences of "do [conj] [modal v] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The mark of the adjudicator is simply that he is called upon to decide what parties in dispute should have done or should do in the circumstances of a particular case .
2 The service , Mr. Park argued , could either consist in the grant of a sub-licence which enabled the operator to do in Vancouver what he could not otherwise lawfully do or could consist in the refraining by the taxpayer from stopping the grantee doing what he could otherwise be stopped from doing .
3 Maxwell-Fyfe replied that virulent anti-Americanism was confined to a small minority , but he made the most of the opportunity to spell out the extent of British alarm over what the Americans were doing or might do in the Far East .
4 It is not easy to judge how many of the ten millions do or might belong to the prosperous aristocracy of the working classes , that section with which politicians come into contact , and from whence come those whom society is rather over-hasty to welcome as ‘ representative working men ’ …
5 What I done on that night was no more than any other police officer does or would do in the same situation .
6 On the question of the transfer of surplus produce/value from peasant petty-commodity production to the state , Bukharin said : ‘ no one will try to deny that industry does and will receive into the fund for its accumulation surplus-value from the small producers . ’
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