Example sentences of "do [adv] [vb infin] [pers pn] think [that] " in BNC.

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1 There could never be any resolution of her love for David , but she did not want him to think that his feelings were unwanted or unreciprocated .
2 About er refurbishment and closure programme Mr talked about , a a refurbishment and closure programme is a Tory programme , not a Labour programme and of course this is all verified by Mrs coming along to the committee and saying please do n't close Barleythorpe Hall , please tell the people that you 're going to re-open Barleythorpe Hall , please do not allow them to think that it 's going to close .
3 Right , I I 'm sorry I did n't understand I thought that you
4 I mean , this is nothing to do with a do n't worry that 's we do n't want them thinking that the house is the issue cos it is n't , alright ?
5 We do n't want her thinking that you and I made a secret assignation in Piccadilly Circus .
6 And though that was where I felt most private often , it was a very private place you see , even at its busiest , and it was busy , I mean it was n't small and quiet , I do n't want you to think that , it was very public .
7 " I do n't want you to think that we eat like this every night , " said the sultan with a smile ; indeed , we had seen him earlier in the day wearing well-cut Western clothes .
8 Certain individuals did — I do n't want you to think that nobody took it seriously , but my feeling was that in the school there was no great sort of feeling that there was something important going on during the self-appraisal .
9 ‘ Maybe she does not want him to think that she is surrendering herself too easily , ’ he suggested .
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