Example sentences of "do [adv] [verb] them at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Because she had never known her parents well , she did not miss them at all .
2 Some princes did not employ them at all until the second half of the century .
3 I do not see them at all .
4 Some judges make extensive use of shoulder headings ; some do not use them at all .
5 Considering the Hay & Maddock results for human geography , where the authors found that 40% of social scientists rarely refer to theses , and 29% do not use them at all , it will be apparent that geological theses form a significant element in the communication process , since almost half of them are cited .
6 Therefore there is a logical tendency to preclude from view the social reasons why people are using the land in such a way as to cause excessive soil erosion , and so most conservation policies do not address them at all .
7 Ah they did n't , they knew I was n't really interested in school , they were , did n't bother them at all .
8 Ferns and brambles whipped at him , but he did n't feel them at all .
9 ‘ We gave two stupid free kicks away in the first half and did n't clear them at all .
10 it did n't like them at first , because she felt that they were very rough and uncouth .
11 ‘ David did n't like them at all and promised her a clothing allowance , ’ said her friend .
12 A great deal of the audience did n't like them at all .
13 Not surprisingly , nowadays I hate my breasts , and wish I did n't have them at all .
14 Well , not necessarily , sometimes I do n't tell them at all or they comment on it and I explain , it 's a , but it 's only been yesterday and today you see really .
15 ‘ I do n't find them at all pleasant .
16 I think competitions can be fun as long as you do n't take them at all seriously .
17 It is n't a case of wanting them they 're such good knives you do n't get them at that price , too often right can we just have a look at the price of microwaves , while we 're here
18 A whole lot in the council houses the distillery I do n't know them at all .
19 Daisy Chainsaw and Therapy ? played the Metro Club , but I do n't remember them at all .
20 And suppose suppose that you 've been dancing with somebody and you really do n't like them at all .
21 I du n no erm , no I do n't like them at all it 's in fact I 'm not even impressed with it I mean you look at the people with G six hundred and you look at the fifty six
22 I do n't like them at all .
23 no I do n't like them at all he says , now my doctor had been given me this one
24 But if I had one drink of any description that 's the one thing that would make me nervous because I 'd be afraid that I 'd forget this or forget the other , so we just do n't have them at all you know .
25 If you want to keep turtles happy , do n't keep them at all .
26 If you want to keep turtles happy , do n't keep them at all .
27 Good , people use commas much too often , and some they do n't use them at all .
28 Frankly , it wo n't break my heart if we do n't see them at all . ’
29 I may be that , like the street cars of San Francisco , artists living in London see them so much , they do n't see them at all .
30 I may be that , like the street cars of San Francisco , artists living in London see them so much , they do n't see them at all .
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