Example sentences of "do [pron] [prep] the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Most countries organize censuses of their population on something like ten-yearly intervals , but not all do , and they certainly do not do them at the same point in time .
2 You can not do everything at the same time .
3 And I 've done it with the same manager — Harry Bassett . ’
4 If you want one , we can do it at the same time as the valuation , at a reduced fee , but we must be told at the outset .
5 As Linda Nochlin said , ‘ Not all women artists are feminists ; not all feminist artists wish to incorporate their feminist identity into their art works , and certainly , even if some of them do , none of them will do it in the same way ’ .
6 He so concentrated on his dialogue — I never had to reshoot a scene because Kenny fluffed a line — that he could n't do anything at the same time as he was talking . ’
7 A software crash generally happens when you try to do something in the same way — i.e. the crash is repeatable .
8 On 4 June , the day the Dunkirk evacuation ended , he wrote to the Chiefs of Staff : ‘ if it is so easy for the Germans to invade us … why should it be … impossible for us to do anything of the same kind to him ? ’
9 you , you 're doing it in the same room
10 yeah we did it on the same night .
11 ‘ I started a similar scheme in Wellington , but then I did it at the same hour on the same day every week .
12 I I suggest you do it on the same sheet that 's got the th the I ca n't see a copy ,
13 We do it in the same spirit in which in Pilgrim 's Progress John Bunyan 's Christian and Hopeful erected a sign to keep other pilgrims from the hands of Giant Despair .
14 Of course , the fact that you have written a computer program that will do what an animal does is no proof that the animal does it in the same way .
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