Example sentences of "they 've [verb] [pron] on the " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes you get hung up on people wanting to know you just because they 've seen you on the telly , and of course that is n't there with other actors .
2 And look they 've put them on the bottom , instead of doing the top ones first , they obviously have n't .
3 They 've put him on the top floor like the other ones we 've had . ’
4 I think that i i i I do n't , I 'd I I reckon they 've got him on the kidnapping charge .
5 One is forced to ask what OSF had to gain and wonders if it was n't some kind of supralegal manoeuvre to put pressure on Addamax and Sun because they 've got something on the OSF contingent .
6 ‘ I rang the airport straight away — they 've booked me on the first flight out .
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