Example sentences of "they did not [verb] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When the ancestors of whales reinvaded the sea , they did not acquire fins by hybridizing with fish .
2 But they did not give rise to new grouping systems within or between schools .
3 In the 1980s , among an entire group of paediatric anaesthetists , a substantial fraction believed that newborn children did not feel pain and therefore they did not give analgesics to newborn babies .
4 On this latter point , however , they did not give details of how this was achieved in schools .
5 She met Bill coming back up the steps , and they did not waste time on speech .
6 showed mercy on them even though they did not show mercy on him .
7 Admittedly , dealing with a woman as dominating as Catherine de Medici and a family as powerful as the Guises , which all three had to do , would have put strains on personalities far stronger than Francis II , Charles IX and Henri III ; but the fact remains that while , unlike Mary , they did not show indifference to their kingdom , they were exactly like her in failing to assert their control of it .
8 In these circumstances perhaps , they did not reinterpret history in each passing generation : experience of the relationship did not produce contestatory reformulations of knowledge .
9 Important though these duties were , they were fairly routine in character ; they did not bring Clanvow to the notice of a wider public .
10 They did not want success at all costs , but likewise they were not willing to jump off the pop escalator , or stand on the spot arguing among themselves .
11 The national gallery told the Minister 's predecessor , the right hon. Member for Shoreham — no doubt the arguments were repeated to the Minister personally by many of the trustees and directors of the museums — that they did not want powers of disposal — not because they did not trust their own intellectual judgment , but , following the line set down in the Museums and Galleries Commission 's 1988 report on the national gallery , because those powers should not be forced on the galleries .
12 Some taxi firms said they did not want blood in their cars .
13 That is , while they did not start courses at the institutions we studied , they did go on to take a course elsewhere .
14 As long as they paid their dues , they did not suffer interference from the Ixmarites .
15 Danckwerts LJ , giving the first judgment , first easily reached the conclusion that they did not form part of the structure and then went on …
16 The Czechoslovak authorities maintained throughout that all such arms deals were intended to help counter " problems of unemployment " , and that they did not represent part of the Czechoslovak Army 's own weapons stocks but were newly-manufactured weapons .
17 Lord Taylor said the Crown argued that , although this and other discrepancies demonstrated sloppiness in police procedure , they did not cast doubt on the jury 's verdict .
18 Deaf mothers often said they did not understand descriptions of the advance of the baby during the second stage of labour and would have liked to see what was happening .
19 After consulting with other departmental Select Committees , however , the Public Accounts Committee ( PAC ) said in its Eighteenth Report for 1988–9 ( HC 354 ) that they did not consider deferral of the publication of departmental reports to March ( spring ) to be a satisfactory way of bringing the reports alongside the estimates and publication of both documents to January .
20 Various aspects of the parties ' life , resources , and activities will be helpful to them in the conflict , but many of these are resources and activities that they will have possessed or engaged in or wished to posses or to engage in in any case , even if they did not take part in the contest .
21 Last year , although they qualified , they did not take part in the final .
22 ‘ It was perfectly safe for them to cross , ’ said Mr Hubbard , ‘ but they did not take account of this car which came hurtling along through these red lights .
23 It may well be that the police did have justification in their reasonable fear that a breach of the peace would ensue if they did not remain where they were , and if they did not issue instructions to the appellants to leave .
24 They did not dare camp on the western bank where the attack had been ; the eastern bank showed no signs of life but the tangled strips of trees continued along it and they mistrusted what they might hide .
25 Grantham Hospital chiefs were last night being asked why they did not notice symptoms of the syndrome in Allitt before she started on the children 's ward .
26 While these links involved the provision of some common services , they did not constitute chains in exactly the traditional newspaper sense , since the holdings were not in every case large enough to be a controlling interest .
27 More analytically , pluralist methods might in theory uncover conspiracy by an elite by investigating observable decisions , and the fact that in various studies they did not find evidence of narrow conspiratorial elites led pluralist community power researchers to conclude that a more flexible competitive and open system prevailed .
28 The pupils decided that they were the same in that context and were satisfied that there were only three different shapes if they did not allow fences in the middle or squares just touching at the corners .
29 Between 1688 and 1714 monarchs had changed their ministers fairly frequently but they did not defy changes in public feeling and were always able to gain a majority in Parliament for the man they chose .
30 As for the countryside , the main complaint of the wage labourer was of underemployment and at certain seasons of the agricultural calendar many of them must have wished they did not have time on their hands .
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