Example sentences of "they can [adv] [verb] [pron] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 They can also tell you whether it 's safe to take two types of medicine at the same time .
2 At best they are ‘ stills ’ from a sequence of actions ; and they can not portray anything that goes beyond visual observation .
3 The parties to a conflict remain , moreover , parts of a single society by virtue of their acknowledgement of a common name , by their participation in certain common divisions of labour and allocation from which they can not extricate themselves except by secession , emigration or anchoritic or cenobitic withdrawal .
4 They can not tell us because they do n't know and because they are campaigning for power at any cost .
5 They know that they can not have everything and that on occasions they may have to wait .
6 We are incompatible with them because they can not understand us or comprehend our heritage .
7 Provided that they have done so , and that the child has been matched with them as carefully as possible so that they can best meet his or her needs , their situation is likely to be no different from that of any other family with teenagers .
8 Indeed , the thrust of what my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State and I seek to do is to tell people of their rights , how they can best achieve them and how they can claim in a way which is much different from before .
9 Anyway , we 're going to talk about coordinating readers and musicians so they can double do it if they wish .
10 Well they can finally expel you but it 's a vicious circle , I mean it goes on and on and on , if they expel one person , there 's always gon na be ten more .
11 Disraeli comments favourably on an exception to this rule at Beaumanoir : ‘ How delightful was the morning room … from which gentlemen were not excluded with that assumed suspicion that they can never enter it but for felonious purposes . ’
12 But it 'll be they 'll nick them , they 'll nick them , you know cos they can still nick them once they 're laid !
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