Example sentences of "they would have [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To accept them would have meant a complete recantation of all his actions over the past five years .
2 Well , they would have showed a wider picture of the actual picture , and apparently they take , co , the photographers had taken a baby away from it 's mother he 's standing in the middle of a desert , and there 's a picture of them with a baby and all these photographers photographing it !
3 Looking back , they would have done a few things quite differently , but they certainly did not conform to the view taken by some authorities that they encountered , that they are children who have ruined their lives and wasted their education .
4 If there had been less enthusiasm among the congregation for ufology , maybe they would have devised a public punishment for me .
5 He said : ‘ If the Labour group had followed our recommendations they would have gained a prestigious shopping development and made some money for the poll taxpayers into the bargain . ’
6 If the process could eventually be made catalytic , though , they would have lost a money-spinner. h
7 The great mass of the people did not want revolution , or else they would have elected a Labour Government .
8 Had anyone been looking in the direction of Miss Danziger they would have observed a faint smile gathering at the corners of her mouth and fading as quickly as it formed .
9 They would have to develop a wider vision .
10 Moreover , CD-ROMs , the media the Data Discman plays , while hardly universally established , are by no means the radical innovation they would have seemed a few years ago .
11 She could see that if the circumstances of their meeting had been happier they would have had a good drink of her mother 's secret stash of Bushmill 's and reminisced all night .
12 ‘ The whole town pretended to be scandalised , but if the boot had been on the other foot — if Sidney , or anybody else for that matter , had done the same thing to Riddle — they would have had a good laugh and it would have been looked upon as good business . ’
13 ‘ IF Bulgaria had qualified for Euro 92 they would have had a good chance of winning it .
14 This would be expected because , first , they would have been socialized into a version of mathematics nearer to that of the university ‘ modern ’ pure mathematicians than that of their elders and because , secondly , they would have had a potential interest in changes that could , within schools , challenge the seniority of their elder colleagues or , at least , they would have had less of a vested interest in current practice .
15 True , they would have had a stronger showing had not their former prime minister , Lothar de Maizière , stepped down before the election amid charges ( which he denies , and which an inquiry looks set to discuss ) that he used to work for the former East German secret police .
16 We know that they brought other domestic animals with them but it is inconceivable that they would have taken a wild cat from the mainland .
17 Nevertheless , they did not forget the main object of their expedition and kept a careful record of all the plants found , though they commented that had the journey been made a month or two sooner , they would have found a greater number of rarities .
18 If he brought her any more , then they would have to have a little talk .
19 They would have to fly a straight unwavering course in order to hit their target , leaving themselves to the mercy of the gunners on the ground and the fighters in the air .
20 More than half of our first intake acknowledged that they would have preferred a traditional course , having the study of literature as its principal component .
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