Example sentences of "they would have [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ None of them would have provided any kind of challenge to your tightly guarded female bastion . ’
2 The director of the museum , Mr H. Bakker , visibly relieved to have all the originals safely returned to their shelves , told The Art Newspaper that each one of them would have provided enough money to buy a comfortable family home .
3 ‘ Well , if you do , do you think any of them would have signed this form if it had not been all in order and above board ? ’
4 But one hopes they would have reached this view on grounds not of personal taste or fashion , but on a calculus of harm which J.S. Mill would have recognised and respected .
5 They would have to disclose all memoranda , manuscripts and correspondence relating to the transaction , and it seemed to me almost inconceivable that this disclosure could enable the culprit still to be concealed from exposure .
6 They would have to disclose commercial property holdings , share holdings , gifts received above a value of NZ$500 , and outside income .
7 If the judges in Elmer 's case had been strict conventionalists they would have decided that case in two stages .
8 I did hear they got to the 1/4 finals ( ie won 2 matches ) about 4 years ago , but Im sure they would have said last night if they had beaten anyone decent .
9 Fifty years ago they would have said this trip was impossible ; crouching on beaches , men in their teens and early twenties had believed they would never see another dawn .
10 You know , some pre-literate tribe somewhere , with the medicine men of the tribes meeting an opposing medicine man of a tribe , they would have done some kind of ceremony beforehand .
11 But Coun Shephard , who is chairman of the district 's environmental health committee , said he had spoken to two families who were told only last month they would have to wait 50 weeks .
12 That , despite the recession and the fact that they would have to forfeit two weeks work .
13 At the end of the Gulf War , British Army authorities announced they would have to destroy all dogs which had been picked up and kept by British units in the war zone , but Dave and his colleagues decided they were n't going to let this cruel fate befall Des .
14 They would have lost each other .
15 The owners in May , 1973 , had entered into a very advantageous agreement to charter the tanker on completion to Shell for three years , and they would have lost this advantage if the yard carried out its threat .
16 They would have to put private money into public transport projects .
17 Back when Abba were in their '50s , around 1975 say , they would have called this sort of record a hustle record and huge black men with names like Fatback would have been playing it for rich white nightclubs .
18 I think they would have made excellent doctors , now they are not doctors .
19 But when he surmised the attack was due that night , Tom Ingledew agreed that they would have to sacrifice some fighting capacity on that front — and even some lives — in order to gain the maximum advantage from keeping the sloop as a decoy .
20 The effect of failure to resolve a factual problem will vary with the circumstances , but their Lordships need not decide how in this case they would have viewed such failure , seen in isolation .
21 Already he was beginning to steal glances at the clock , comparing it needlessly with his own watch , missing bits of the film while he made rapid calculations as to whether he might conceivably be able to see Bridget home , and , when this had become out of the question , as to how long they would have to say good night at the hated corner .
22 It is difficult to explain why they would have maintained such popularity — for it is said that Cooper produced a painting a day — over shifts in market and social circumstances .
23 If workers had been in the vicinity , they would have received high doses of radiation .
24 The same with the signalmen , I would go up to the signalman and tell him , Well on the other shift you know , they would have left that train away first , before they left that other one in you see .
25 The DHAC announced that the exercise would be repeated the following weekend ; although the police warned that they would have to intervene this time , the demonstration went ahead and was extended to forty-eight hours .
26 Because they are more likely to default on repayments , they would have to pay higher rates of interest than older married couples with small families .
27 In Italy the Christian Democrats had accepted the ‘ opening to the left ’ , cooperation and alliance with the Socialist Party , as the only practical option for stable governmental coalitions : inevitably , they would have to pay some heed to their new partner .
28 If fusion was at work , then something catalysed it , and until they knew precisely what the ‘ something ’ was they would have to try all combinations .
29 I got in touch with the publishers and told them they would have to find another translator .
30 " We had hoped that they would have eliminated that shortcoming from their safety systems .
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