Example sentences of "they were at [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Recalling Thatcher fortunes when they were at a low ebb , Baroness Castle of Blackburn , as she now is , reminds us that Margaret Thatcher was at one stage rated the most unpopular Prime Minister in history a tag now attached to John Major .
2 Although they were at the agricultural policies undoubtedly continue to be relevant , still have a significant part to play in many current situations .
3 Now they were at the elegant pavement café beside the library .
4 They were at the Labour Party conference together last year and that 's when it began .
5 They were at the sharp end of an operation conceived at the Oxford based company Unipart .
6 There was a master over-ride switch outside each of the stages , allowing them to pass swiftly through until they were at the deepest level .
7 They were at the deep end of the pool and both trod water to keep afloat .
8 They were at the highest point for twenty li about .
9 Of course , they were at the opposite ends of the price range .
10 Because Dannii was famous and they were at the same school , Kylie wanted to make a name for herself .
11 They were at the same impasse .
12 She looked from one to the other to make sure they were at the same height .
13 In ritual status they were at the very top of the system and ranked higher even than the kings .
14 We have some wry wry smiles from some of the older people er in the group here because they er did n't get much when they were at the formative stages of their careers .
15 They were at the High Council under the guidance of Cod .
16 They were at an opposite pole from the self-important , vacuous management .
17 He had not expected that they would be worshipped like gods , but on a world where technological ability excited only minimal interest , all of them were at a considerable disadvantage until they were able to prove themselves against local standards of performance .
18 What White and Bernard also omit to make clear is that , while the great majority of the ordinary members of the church may well have been largely indifferent to theological issues , many of them were at the same time both outraged and alarmed by a number of alien liturgical practices , which were a unique and highly visible feature of English Arminianism .
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