Example sentences of "they should be [vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As such they should be lodged in gaol . ’
2 Let's just say that my father talks a lot about queers and why they should be flung into prison and the key thrown away . ’
3 Earlier in his essay on the rule of law Oakeshott had suggested that to deliberate the jus of lex is ‘ to invoke a particular kind of moral consideration : … the negative and limited consideration that the prescriptions of law should not conflict with a prevailing educated moral sensibility capable of distinguishing between the conditions of ‘ virtue ’ , the conditions of moral association ( ’ good conduct ’ ) , and those which are of such a kind that they should be imposed by law ( ’ justice ’ ) ' .
4 These results have been confirmed using simulation techniques , and are given in Table 6.5 ; they should be compared with Table 6.4 .
5 In Chapter 4 we discuss the relationship between some of these factors , and conclude that the most crucial is the pattern of decisions by the courts : not only about what sentences offenders should receive ( whether they should be sent to custody and , if so , for how long ) , but also decisions about which counts they should be tried in and whether they should be remanded in custody in the meantime .
6 At the time , the defections did amount to this proportion , but JD leaders then expelled 25 of the defectors and claimed that , as the remaining 37 represented less than the legal quota , they should be disqualified from parliament .
7 But if they impose such a diet on their pet cats , they should be prosecuted for cruelty to animals .
8 In Chapter 4 we discuss the relationship between some of these factors , and conclude that the most crucial is the pattern of decisions by the courts : not only about what sentences offenders should receive ( whether they should be sent to custody and , if so , for how long ) , but also decisions about which counts they should be tried in and whether they should be remanded in custody in the meantime .
9 The witnesses should be examined on oath or if that is not possible within your laws or is impossible of performance by reason of the internal practice and procedure of your court or by reason of practical difficulties , they should be examined in accordance with whatever procedure your laws provide for in these matters .
10 The principal concern for companies is first that they should be kept in touch with prevailing opinions on environmental issues that could affect them ; second , that any misconceptions on technical or other matters should be corrected .
11 He tended to regard the conversion of his son Harilal to Islam as something that was prompted by monetary considerations , and in the case of such converts , he maintains that they should be readmitted to Hinduism without hesitation if they so desired and truly repented of their erroneous actions .
12 The manufacturers sold chemicals to the second defendants with a warning that they should be tested before use .
13 They should be borne in mind as we look at the final symptom of this ‘ strange rise ’ : the dispersal of the libraries , and the libraries themselves caught in this downward spiral .
14 Of course , there is no way that the reader can answer any of these questions with certainty , but they should be borne in mind .
15 They should be handled with care to minimise damage .
16 It should be emphasised that although these statistics are interesting for purposes of comparison , they should be treated with caution because of the differences in the methods of compilation .
17 He said : ‘ We have to acknowledge parallel importing is a fact of life and patients will find some instructions in their packages may be in a foreign language , but they should be overlaid with English .
18 Evening courses will no doubt continue but they should be planned with caution .
19 They do n't enumerate their achievements and explain why they should be regarded with respect .
20 These service lines may be buried ( where they should be covered by clay tiles ) or carried by overhead cables attached to insulators secured to poles .
21 The nature of H.T. and Floribunda bushes suggests that they should be planted in isolation , or in long and narrow strips where they can be approached both sides .
22 They should be protected by law from moral persecution as the majority of men mean no harm .
23 White splashes of paint on the bottles indicated which way up they should be binned after delivery from the wine merchant .
24 If they constitute part of the textual record in written language , they should be included as part of the textual record in spoken language .
25 Curricula for media education should be promoted , and , as far as possible , they should be included in school and social education systems .
26 When asked how important the teachers felt such complaints to be they tended to demur and suggest that though they should be taken into account wherever possible and perhaps explicitly discussed ( ‘ Where are the alternatives , though ? ’ ) , other features of a book deserved more attention .
27 When the purchase price includes fixtures or furniture , these should be specified in detail in the draft , and if their value is substantial it is sometimes useful to agree and state the value at which they should be taken in order to reduce the consideration , and the stamp duty payable thereon , in the ultimate conveyance or transfer of the property .
28 A pro tem committee of nine , with a Mr. Stewart as president and Wilson as treasurer , held a meeting eight days later at which the union 's rules were agreed , including provisions that all members should report their arrivals and departures on voyages with fines for non-compliance and that they should be issued with contribution cards , rule books and privilege tickets as soon as convenient .
29 The Prime Minister has announced a reform of the honours system saying they should be awarded on merit not seniority .
30 He referred to social classes 4 and 5 as being the least able to bring up children without resort to the state , and appeared to suggest that they should be encouraged through birth control to have fewer .
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