Example sentences of "they go [adv] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But the room was suddenly bathed in light and Nancy Leadbetter , who had pressed all the switches by the door , was among them and telling them to go out to the barbecue because that was where the fun was about to begin .
2 The rest had followed Hazel when he roused them and , without explanation , told them to go quickly outside the barn .
3 ‘ For , ’ she put down , ‘ I want to go there as humble McAllister who keeps the house clean , dressed the doll and made and embroidered the baby clothes , not as the American Princess doing the gracious , ladling our Papa 's money , not one penny of which I have earned , smiling and patronising those not so fortunate as myself , and then leaving them to go home to the embassy — to forget them ! ’
4 No , the , the , the extension of them going up for the cup and all , that 's what it was .
5 He says we see them going up in the air , they do these tight manoevres .
6 He says we see them going up in the air , they do these tight manoevres .
7 Do you have them going right to the edge ?
8 And that was for them going just for the day .
9 Kāli and her cousin , Jit , were at the far end of the roof waving their arms , keeping the sheep contained at one end only , stopping them going back down the steps at the other side .
10 so , erm , they rang and they rang , and they rang for a good twenty to twenty five minutes and we just erm , we , we all huddled together in the living room , and erm , anyway about half an hour went past , and then they finally went , we saw them , we live in a flat , and we saw them from the window , we saw them going back to the station you see .
11 Nicandra could n't watch them going out of the room together .
12 None of the Indian girls complain , because they are afraid of being beaten up , so none of them go up to the headmaster and complain .
13 For a moment Trent thought of letting the whole damn lot of them go up on the reef .
14 Well anyway , it reaches night and the three of them go down into the attic .
15 And the Relief Committee and the Board of Works inspector upstairs — four of them go out on the balcony , and there was a silence would have lifted off your hat .
16 Some of them gone away from the kitchen
17 ‘ I 've seen them go up in the sky , ’ said Masklin .
18 Still , it was great to see them go back into the wild when they were old enough . ’
19 After they had gone in and resumed their grind in the usual places , Rose came out to him and said gently , ‘ You were terrible , Daddy , to make them go down to the lake . ’
20 The guard who had brought them went up beside the chair , knelt and spoke quietly to Bruce in a language Corbett could not understand and guessed that it was probably Gaelic , a language totally alien to him .
21 And the three of them went deeper into the darkness of the tunnel .
22 selection of them went all over the world collecting trees .
23 No longer need they go out into the wilderness and create a village or a hamlet to house their labour .
24 Right , we 've got they go over to the studios and start recording .
25 If you generally want the views of the public it is no good trying to false those views through a straight jacket of your own to make it what you think there views should be unless of course they go right over the top in which they I do n't think that 's happened so far . .
26 Here children like her and others are studying for ‘ O ’ and ‘ A ’ levels knowing that soon as they leave school they go right on the dole .
27 Then you can use very small doses , they go straight to the lungs , and
28 And er , so they sa put an announcement in the paper to say do n't keep sending these nails to us cos they go straight in the bin , we 've got no use for them !
29 If the District Leader and Landrat or the Mayor ca n't be torn to pieces any more , they go on to the State leadership and the Führer himself .
30 Erm it allows domestic farmers to produce their so they go on to the world market and they 've got everybody else these things
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