Example sentences of "they have been for a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They 'd been for a meal and they came to the flat and they rung us to say they were there .
2 Cos they 'd been for a meal on the way as well !
3 But if China really is now backing peace and free elections , the signs are more hopeful than they 've been for a decade .
4 The 1480s show an average comparable with the 1430s , although this figure is probably depressed by the bad years of 1482 and 1483 in the latter year prices were higher than they had been for a century , and wages did not rise proportionately .
5 One afternoon after they had been for a swim together , Sycorax said , as Ariel took her on her back again , grunting for the old woman had grown so much heavier , it seemed , since her immersion , ‘ You are having the red man 's child . ’
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