Example sentences of "they have [verb] [pron] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah because what they did they they 've done it a few a times though different people , look and see how far it is before it 's a blind spot .
2 And they 've assigned me a prolific blighter ( 'lific blighter ) —
3 They 've given me a major interrogation — I 'd told you about the Englishman — that 's what I should have been working on , not an idiot fire .
4 They 've given me the main facts .
5 As John Major said , they 've given us a bloody nose .
6 They 've given us a German prisoner of war again . ’
7 Your background , your pedigree , yes you you you 've been brought up in a , possibly your fa your your parents , they 've taught you the right way , they are thrilled pieces , or they were if if they ma , they may well have been de dead by that time , but they were thrilled to pieces when you as a pharisee became a teacher , and a ruler , a leader amongst your people !
8 I add them up yesterday and said what 's it , what do I do , I 've not come to , now they 've sent me a temporary one .
9 ‘ If I 've got my pants on in the second scene , I think they 've sent me the wrong script , ’ he says .
10 He 'd tried , the first year , rooming with the others , and had found they still came up to him all the time with their queries — ‘ They 've sent me the wrong costume for Gypsy Baron .
11 The New FADS missed the boat , but , well look here , they 've built themselves a new one .
12 Well , they sa they 've works them the next day , and then Christmas Day we call it setting day , they 're all done up int they ?
13 Now instead they 've offered him a new one year contract .
14 And like half way through it they said ehm , they 've giving somebody the wrong prize money or something , they 've giving somebody fifty pounds , they should off giving it to this other coloured women right , and apparently this women was giving it all wow man yeah man , and all this you , you know they give it to them in the end and then she won the twelve hundred pounds .
15 Derry 's unfancied squad , written off by a lot of football pundits , are so keen to prove their detractors wrong , that they 've set themselves a demanding series of targets for the remaining four matches .
16 to get rid of the abscess , oh god it was painful , it really was , in fact I had it once , I had a load of penicillin , did n't finish the penicillin and it came back again and they had to give me a stronger drug then for five days
17 they 'd take a piece with them and that was all they had to sustain them the whole day .
18 The addicts thought they were injecting a synthetic heroin , instead they had given themselves a permanent Parkinson-like condition .
19 When Derek got the run they all cheered and a reporter commented that they had given him a great welcome , but could not possibly have known the significance of the run .
20 This was an important mission , yet they had sent him a minor police official who seemed to have little standing or influence .
21 They had patronised it the previous night , taking to heart its motto ( in Latin ) , ‘ drink yourself to hell ’ .
22 ‘ I would have signed if they had offered me a few bob more . ’
23 But they have done what no American administration has dared do in living memory — set the scene for a proper debate .
24 Sometimes they give you the feeling that they have done you a great favour by attending rehearsals and at the end of the rehearsal period it 's ‘ Bye-bye loves , now you do your thing and I 'll go off and do another ’ .
25 They have given me a special office in the Kremlin .
26 They are now threatening to withdraw compensation from us although they have given us no written guarantee that our lands are free from contamination ’ , he said in 1976 .
27 That they have cost me no more than my time makes such decisions much easier than if I had paid for them in gold .
28 They have called me a rotten apple , which , coming from them , I take as a compliment , ’ he says .
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