Example sentences of "they be [verb] [prep] he [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It seems to be established , and rightly so , that the criterion is not geographical — privilege does not attach to letters sent by constituents to a member , even though they are posted to him in the post office in the Lobby of the House of Commons ( Rivlin v Bilainkin [ 1953 ] 1 QB 485 ) .
2 They are changed for him by the eagles who come and take him in his sleep to a new world — which Sam , with a resurrected Gandalf in front of him , very nearly perceives as Heaven .
3 They 're looking for him on the moors . ’
4 But they 're waiting for him at the telecottage , a converted school which is due to run out of HIE and BT funding soon and is aiming to become a profitable business , specialising in desk-top publishing , graphic design and printing .
5 They were sent to him in packages of ten cartons from Moscow .
6 They were looking at him with an air that mingled irony and respect .
7 ‘ I know the words he came out with were those of other people , the writers , but they were written with him in mind .
8 They were handed to him by a tiny nut-brown man in a red fez , who also sold little packets of sugared almonds and pistachios .
9 They were to stay with him throughout the desert campaign .
10 And they were coming at him in a concerted three-pronged attack .
11 They were found with him in the pond . ’
12 Much as poetry was becoming a part of him , his most natural form of self-expression , and the one that reached him first , was music ; side-by-side they were to advance with him throughout his developing days and early professional life .
13 No one moved , they were staring at him in astonishment .
14 In the course of a 24-hour drama the kidnapper , Orlando Ordoñez Betancourt , successfully demanded that they be flown with him to Honduras , where after an airport siege he was granted safe passage to Mexico .
15 The buyer 's concerns here are that these items be properly used and cared for by the seller , that they be used only for the purposes of the sub-contract ( ie that the seller does not use them to make goods for third parties which can then be sold by them in competition with the buyer ) , and that they be returned to him at the end of the sub-contract .
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