Example sentences of "on which [pron] had been [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Not long afterwards the protesters also dispersed , obeying the order of the chief steward to take with them the newspapers on which they had been sitting .
2 In a moment he had gripped her hand in his and was pulling her away from the bale on which she had been resting .
3 She felt as though someone had pushed her off the pleasant , grassy path on which she had been walking , and down a vast , black cliff-face .
4 Sometimes a person would arrive just as the divan on which he had been sleeping was dragged away .
5 ‘ Hank Stych ! ’ he hailed a startled Boyd , who had half risen from an easy chair , scattering the papers on which he had been working .
6 Ken , meanwhile , believed he had found a play that suited his temperament and talents better than most of the things on which he had been working to date .
7 And he added his hope that in about two years he would have a more straightforward kind of book ready , developing his published studies on Diogenes Laertius , and possibly also an edition of Aeschylus ' Libation Bearers ( on which he had been lecturing earlier in the year ) Without any direct reference to this last suggestions Ritschl , in his reply a few weeks later , implicitly endorsed it .
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