Example sentences of "on the [noun sg] [vb past] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Physically I felt well and most of those on the brochure appeared in the same condition .
2 On the portion devoted to the South East news where , incidentally , there are many marginal seats , first we had Neil Kinnock , then there was Gordon Brown giving what amounted to a party political broadcast .
3 A second powerful assault on the system came from the concept of egalitarianism , which had several roots — the Webbs and the Fabian Society , Bentham and the utilitarians and Karl Marx .
4 Three months of intensive research on the ground and on the mainland resulted in the programme nearly half the UK television audience watched last Tuesday .
5 The spray-painting on the wall came with the big double M in. ‘ 87 — Meltdown in the Market , which started on Wall Street — but some of the bigger houses and the banks were already letting people go . ’
6 Fortunately a friend on the yard came to the rescue by lending us her clippers and soon the hairy monster looked much smarter .
7 It played a very , very important part in David 's career , because it was for that film that he wrote ‘ Space Oddity'/ Most of the stuff on the film came from the Deram label but I thought we ought to have a very special piece of material — some new material — and something that would show how very fine and inventive a writer David was .
8 Local people interviewed on the film spoke of the emptiness of atheism and even those who remain atheists acknowledged that the spreading of the gospel , now allowed in the country , will only do good .
9 But the people on the square shouted at the security forces ‘ We are the people ’ , ‘ We are not terrorists ’ , ‘ You eat the people 's bread . ’
10 The region on the map spanned by the YAC should correspond to high values .
11 Debate on the all-important , but heavily traditionalist , schema on the Church began at the 31st general congregation on 1 December .
12 It is hard , however , to gauge the effect man 's demand on the woodland had on the landscape at this time .
13 The women were on the whole surprised at the question , apparently assuming that a dispersal of concentration is intrinsic to housework .
14 Conversely slave-owners and self-lords on the whole stood by the system because it seemed to them the very foundation of their society and their class .
15 The sum of £250 had been borrowed from Joseph Barnard , the treasurer , to make good the actual deficiency which ‘ had not arisen from any defect or negligence whatever in the management of the institution , but on the contrary arose from the great success of the Infirmary and the high reputation it had acquired , so that the number of patients had increased rapidly ’ .
16 The composition of these pore waters was controlled by the conditions existing at the surface , and these in turn were dependent on the stage reached in the ‘ evaporation cycle ’ ( Clark 1980a ; Clark and Tallbacka 1980 ) .
17 Mr , do you want to come back on the point made on the other side of the room about your arbitrary selection of building rates ?
18 Yeah well there 's one one point on the letter received from the Charity Commission .
19 there 's a greater pressure of population therefore are you saying that , that land reform might at least on the model tried in the north , might not yield any economic benefits
20 This delay , and its dependence on the energy imparted to the H atom in the photolysis step , indicate the role played in this reaction by short-lived HOCO species .
21 Disturbed , the pile of paintings on the shelf slithered to the floor .
22 A blimp-style balloon with a white elephant on the side hovered in the sky above the crowd .
23 Other studies in Oxford on the hypothalamus led to the discovery of compounds now successfully used in the treatment of sterility and cancers of the prostate .
24 Curators and experts are counting on the exhibition devoted to the restoration in the Salle des Fetes at the Louvre until 29 March 1993 and their highly detailed catalogue describing the technical aspects of the restoration process ( Les Noces de Cana de Veronese — Une oeuvre et sa restauration , Reunion des Musées Nationaux , 1992 , FFr350 ) to refute the historical and artistic arguments .
25 Outside , on the grass stippled with the bright embroidery of light and shadow under the trees , Iago Vaughan sat clasping his little travelling harp .
26 Even in the days when every dog on the street knew about the impending Digital closure , employees of the company were reluctant to talk publicly about their plight .
27 The defenders on the river-side fled across the river with their artillery places , leaving only the earthworks behind .
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