Example sentences of "with their [noun] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That the implications of her increasing influence were world-wide was demonstrated in the postwar disarmament conferences of the 1920s and 1930s with their emphasis on the naval balance between Britain , the US and Japan .
2 On the other hand , the flight in some literature departments from traditional methods of study , with their emphasis on the detailed analysis of texts , towards theory-laden forms of criticism with an explicit political agenda , is a development which is not favourable to the search for objectively quantifiable features capable of computerized study .
3 Buddhists with this expectation of Maitri , Jews with their longing for the messianic age , Christians with their hope of the second coming of Christ , can talk together about the golden age ahead — their respective eschatologies , their glimpses of an eternal city , the abiding home of the human spirit .
4 Due to a power blackout , their hotel was in total darkness when they arrived , and they had to trudge up the stairs with their luggage to the 10th floor .
5 Their fluency deceives and leads foreign language teachers to perceive their learners ' command of the first language as perfect by comparison with their knowledge of the foreign language .
6 Some cope with their guilt in the traditional manner of apostates — that is , they turn on their old faith and revile it .
7 Why add them , with their evocation of the doddering loon , slumped , with listless ear-trumpet , over the board table ?
8 There are the well-known stars like Peter Thompson and James Watson of NFC , and Keith Stuart of Associated British Ports , who came with their companies from the public sector .
9 The majority of farm servants stayed only the one year with their master after the annual hiring , but they moved only into the service of other farmers drawing labour from the same hiring fair .
10 Supper is served early for children — although the Continental ones who are used to later hours tend to dine together with their parents in the grand restaurant .
11 Buddhists with this expectation of Maitri , Jews with their longing for the messianic age , Christians with their hope of the second coming of Christ , can talk together about the golden age ahead — their respective eschatologies , their glimpses of an eternal city , the abiding home of the human spirit .
12 Like the Japanese with their physical problem , the Fijians with their attitude to the fifteen-man game and perhaps Wales , Scotland and Ireland with their limited resources of top-flight players , the South Africans have minor challenges in adaptation and practice .
13 Both high income commuters and lower income residents may resent development of this kind : the one because it interferes with their fantasy of the rural life , and the other because it pushes up house prices without providing any new job opportunities .
14 The most important principle involved in this selection of Venneman 's discourse subjects must have to do with their relevance to the particular discourse fragment under consideration .
15 Even in the 1930s the anti-Semitism of literary figures like Hilaire Belloc and G. K. Chesterton co-existed uneasily with their revulsion at the racial policies of the new Germany .
16 They called him a dunce at school , yet he knew all the words of the records on Sweetheart 's wind-up gramophone , and every song Buddie 's friends played when they got together with their instruments in the big downstairs room .
17 Do you f you you feel that erm present government , erm do you feel that erm the other political parties what they 're erm suggesting with their policies for the inner cites , do you think they 're any better ?
18 At the flat there were drinks parties and little dinners every week , which irritated me , as I had to wait for everyone to finish filling the air with their thoughts on the latest novel before I could go to bed on the sofa .
19 Infants who live with their mothers in the 3 British prison Mother and Baby Units are the object of much recent public concern and controversy .
20 Perhaps they got on with their lives under the carpeted floor somewhere , while they were whisked to all the places Masklin had seen on the only map the nomes had ever found .
21 THE arrival in Romania of Mr Gyula Horn , the Hungarian Foreign Minister , is a sign of Hungarian hopes for better relations with their neighbour after the popular revolution which overthrew the Ceausescu regime .
22 The origin of this new movement lay in the protestations of community-based voluntary groups concerned with their perceptions of the anti-social effects of conventional architecture and planning .
23 That 's what H M I P did they got further information from British Coal they met er on Friday er with their colleagues at the National Rivers Authority and it 's from that greater understanding of the application that H M I P have now said that they are prepared to withdraw their objection subject to the imposition of the conditions at the N R A request .
24 There is no need for the history department to teach the skill before using census materials if the mathematics department has already done so but even more importantly if the historians need to know how to do this at an earlier stage than the mathematics department would teach this skill in their programme of study then the historians must negotiate this with their colleagues in the best interests of the children .
25 And we were n't the only delegates to be suffering from jet lag : AI members from 70-plus countries were represented from Moscow and Kuwait , who spoke with their colleagues from the new sections : Philippines , Mauritius , Sierra Leone and Argentina .
26 After Josh had gone to bed , they again sat on a rug before the fire with their backs to the broken-backed armchair , holding hands as they listened to a radio concert .
27 A couple of henna-headed teenage fans are sitting with their backs to the outside wall of the club , and they remain cool when the coach arrives , politely asking everyone to sign the singles they 've brought along .
28 While the aide translated these remarks Joseph Sherman took the opportunity to glance around the room and noticed for the first time that groups of diminutive Annamese were standing quietly with their wives among the taller European men and women .
29 Derby may be flash with their money ; they were certainly flash with their football in the first half .
30 Erm the process check list erm again they 've identified the people on each erm and within that they 've actually nominated people to look at the land ownership which is the , on the ignored with their rider on the previous sheet .
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