Example sentences of "with [art] [det] [noun pl] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is no secret that there was great division among Transvaal administrators in releasing Rice from his contract to enable him to join the Channel 9 TV commentary team for the World Cup that clashed with the latter stages of the South African season .
2 It dealt clearly with the many stages between the identification of plants which may have potential medicinal value and the eventual isolation of the active ingredient or ingredients for use by the pharmaceutical industry .
3 However , they went along with the many changes in the hope that the increasing emphasis on training might help our young people to find jobs .
4 Teachers showed a great deal of skill in dealing with the many interruptions of the classroom day , generally managing to neutralize them either by simply refusing to be distracted by them , or by transmuting them into a part of the teaching session .
5 Then pipe across the next vertical line so that the bands half-alternate with the former bands in a criss-cross fashion all the way down .
6 The development of immunoprophylaxis for group B streptococcal infections may ultimately result in the most appropriate intervention with the least effects on the neonatal microbial flora .
7 The fielding of a single candidate chosen from the participating party with the most votes in the 1992 election ( or any other generally acceptable means to achieve the same result ) .
8 This may be the first time there has been a broad comparison of two fairly " complete " catalogue systems which are also internally quite similar ( the present writer had a hand in the design of both of them ) with the same users in the same library .
9 Faced with the same claims about the effect of words like " fair " , the courts today apply a doctrine of " mistake " which precludes all review of the expert 's analysis , unless the expert values the wrong shares or asks himself the wrong question about concepts such as fairness : see Chapter 13 .
10 It is remarkable that these books are so contrasting , but seal with the same problems of the individual .
11 The accountant is faced with the same problems regarding the correct allocation of cost to the current or following month for payment certificates near or straddling the month end , as was discussed under directly employed labour .
12 One may truly get the sense of the Reeve 's Tale being played by the same company with the same costumes on the same stage as the Miller 's Tale : Absolon 's red hose for the " " halyday " " ( 3319 – 40 ) re-appear early on ( 3952 – 5 ) , and the daughter has the same grey eyes as the delicate Absolon ( 3317 , 3974 ) .
13 At once I had the impression that we were two actors with the same doubts about the director .
14 Mrs Castle opens her account with a few reflections on the ‘ feminine ’ touch Edward Heath had brought to the redecoration of Chequers and some bitter-sweet memories of 1969 , when she and Wilson had clashed there with trade-union leaders over the In Place of Strife proposals for union reform .
15 Such is fame : our exploit brought us international mention with a few lines by the Canadian Press but our feat was not mentioned in Robert Ripley 's ‘ Believe It or Not ’ column , and we had never heard of the Guinness Book of Records in those early days .
16 Beginning with a few notes on the back of an envelope , the Bill expanded rapidly .
17 Ron Wood invited Buddy to stay on stage for his own short set and then Gary Moore strode on once again , his keyboard player teasing the audience with a few notes from the Stone 's classic Satisfaction , hinting at what was to come .
18 He 'd played with a few friends over the years but never managed to overcome the logistics of forming and fronting a band .
19 Finally the helpful priest drove up to a point overlooking a fine old stone harbour , with a few houses on the quayside .
20 We shall preface our discussion with a few remarks about the nature of information and about the transformations which are undertaken in the mind of the skilled reader .
21 The general theory of relativity links the gravitational force and the structure of space–time , and so we should begin with a few remarks on the gravitational force and then explain how it was that the classical or Newtonian view of gravitation came to be seen as unsatisfactory .
22 The 80R is essentially a twin channel , 80 watt amplifier with a few departures from the norm that are all its own .
23 If you choose to , you can blow this whole thing sky-high , just with a few words to the wrong people . ’
24 The Chairman opened a well-attended meeting with a few words about the gratifying growth and vigour shown by the Society in its first year .
25 Inland , you can get close to the countryside with a few days on a farm or perhaps pamper yourself with a luxury hotel .
26 with a few interruptions in the middle with people coming in , we 've still got interruptions now with people talking , Ross stand by me
27 Miller only credited Bartram with a few plants in the Dictionary : Lilium philadelphum , ‘ at present very rare in English gardens ’ , Toxicodendron serratum , ‘ not yet flowered ’ and Veratrum americanum , another rarity which had in a good season both flowered and seeded in this country .
28 After the season the show would tour the country with a few troupes from the original cast and local children appearing in the large scenes .
29 The children are left out on the plains with a few goats from a very young age .
30 By 1985 the average had dropped but the spread was narrower , with a few exceptions at the extremes ( the Manchester Evening News with 300,000 and the Darlington Evening Echo with 12,000 ) .
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