Example sentences of "with [art] [noun] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If the Crown does not consider the particulars of claim give sufficient information as to the government department and officers concerned under Ord 42 , r 4 , it may , before the time for filing a defence has expired , file with the court two copies of a request for such information , one of which is sent to the plaintiff .
2 A packed hall had responded attentively to his intense , vocally elegant , performances of arias by Scarlatti , Stradella , Meyerbeer , Donizetti , Cilea and the Spanish composer Pablo Sorozabal , but with the opening instrumental strains of Catari in his first encore the vast audience suddenly burst into the kind of wildly enthusiastic applause that one had waited for all evening .
3 It fits perfectly the charm and naivety of the early to mid-fifties ; it has little to do with the self conscious posturings of the later period that Scobie wishes to impute to it ; most of all that of the ‘ Beat generation ’ , for most of the book had been written before Howl howled and junkie commenced the near-universal junketings .
4 The decision of the West German Greens not to merge with the East German Greens before the all-German election resulted in the loss of their own representation in the Bundestag .
5 Has this extensive network of connections nothing to do with the way contentious issues like discrimination against women or minorities pollution , state welfare , or housing costs were kept from the political agenda for so long ?
6 Graeme Fowler , Gehan Mendis and the skipper Neil Fairbrother have all been ruled out with injuries , but there has been a plus side with the way young lads like Nick Speak , Graham Lloyd , Steve Titchard and Peter Martin have responded .
7 Above all , the public inquiry system is seen to alleviate public anxiety and concern that there might be something fundamentally wrong with the way certain facets of aviation are being conducted .
8 But Swindon came up with the winner 10 minutes from time .
9 That got them going and back came Captain Calderwood with the winner 9 minutes from time .
10 During this period mariners employed a day ( of twenty-four hours ) starting and ending at noon , with the date twelve hours in advance of the land calendar .
11 It was a massive operation with the tunnel 24 feet below ground level stretching 1,800 feet into the Alt Glienicke area of East Berlin .
12 This is also in accord with the relatively unradiogenic Pb isotopic compositions of MARID K-richterites from Bultfontein , but is inconsistent with the Rb-Sr whole-rock ages of 150Myr reported for Bultfontein xenoliths .
13 He served with the Fiji Military Forces in the Pacific during the Second World War , and held various ministerial posts before independence in 1970 .
14 When the kth record is encountered , a random value , u k , in the range 0 to 1 is generated ; the final sample is to consist of those records associated with the n smallest values of u produced .
15 The demands of people at risk of suicide or of harming others must always take precedence over the quietly distressed but passive long-term sufferer , and it is often better , therefore , to relieve mental health workers dedicated to the particular needs of people with long-term problems from having to cope with the emergency short-term demands of new patients .
16 If we are to maintain confidence in the system , there is no point in our mucking around with the map several times in each Parliament .
17 Before and after course results are important indices of immediate impact , but did participants manage to keep out of trouble with the law twelve months after completing the course ?
18 These are normally presented to Parliament in the previous December , along with the winter supplementary estimates for the previous year .
19 The bat called Tadarida is capable of alternately contracting and relaxing its switching muscles 50 times per second , keeping in perfect synchrony with the machine gun-like pulses of ultrasound .
20 Children 's enthusiastic response to the irresistible Sesame Street Muppets , combined with the sound methodological principles behind the series , make this flexible and comprehensive course a pleasure to teach .
21 The teacher was aware of Prestel and word processing and had previously discussed with the librarian possible uses by her department .
22 The crowd were streaming away , muttering about a Rovers run of one win in 11 matches , when Birch hit a hopeful 30-yarder with the match 45 seconds into injury-time .
23 What better place to start than on our own doorstep , with the world famous collections of the Barber Institute ?
24 Franco , previously associated with nationalist ideas at odds with the free-market neo-liberal views of Collor , stated that he now accepted economic liberalization in principle .
25 The naffness of the period is lovingly reconstructed , with the care one associates with Regency crinolines and carriages : there are Crimplene pinnies , an old Triumph Herald , and British motorbikes galore .
26 Table IV shows the numbers of cases of cancer together with the age standardised rates in children aged 0–14 years for each diagnostic group in the three study areas during 1963–83 and 1984–90 .
27 The torrents are loosening high mountain rocks and soil , and are washing downstream with the gravel tiny flakes of gold .
28 Secondly , the education and training of nurses and associated workers is being radically restructured in line with the Project 2000 proposals of the United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing , Midwifery and Health Visiting ( UKCC ) , published in 1986 .
29 This potential danger became apparent with the emergence eight months after the beginning of the Uprising of a new group , the Islamic Resistance Movement , better known by its acronym , Hamas ( zeal ) .
30 Some guidance was provided to teachers completing the questionnaire in order to familiarise them with the HMI eight areas of experience and to agree meanings of terms such as ‘ concept ’ and ‘ skill ’ .
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