Example sentences of "with [adj] [noun pl] [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 What we do find , as with the few collective farms in Roslavl' , is an obsession with possible growth-points admired by the Bolsheviks .
2 The little houses were small single-storey buildings , with painted shutters closed against the heat of the morning sun .
3 Others , like Hugh Price Hughes or Joseph Parker , laced their sermons with political allusions based on the assumption that their listeners were Liberals , but their orthodoxy was not questioned .
4 He argued that ‘ the stationing of large military contingents on the territory of other countries requires big expenditures and , most important , is connected with political complications caused by the growing dissatisfaction of the peoples of these countries and demands for the withdrawal of American troops from their territory ’ , The final reference to ‘ American troops ’ does not fully disguise this veiled reference to the problems raised by the location of Soviet troops in Afghanistan.The Soviet presence in Afghanistan in the 1980s has further undermined the credibility of Soviet appeals to withdraw military forces from overseas .
5 By day it 's relaxed with lazy days spent on the beach , sitting in the harbourside bars , or cycling sedately through the beautiful countryside exploring the ancient ruins of this historic island .
6 Also , strikes are responsible for an almost negligible amount of lost time compared with total hours worked by the employed population .
7 It was also covered with watery blisters caused by the burrowing of the itch mites .
8 Of the 1,274 joint ventures with foreign companies registered by the end of 1989 , only 184 were actually operating .
9 Leaving its Lyneham home , with British troops bound for the United Nations in Bosnia .
10 While magazines celebrate the return of hollywood glamour , with glossy pages dedicated to the super model who is immaculately coiffed and beautifully in control , you may feel your hair would be more suited to a bit part in a disaster movie !
11 An added bonus of dry-type filters is that the bacteria are not diminishing the oxygen level in the aquarium water as occurs with wet systems plumbed into the aquarium .
12 It was too large for me at that time , but over the next twelve months I must have grown considerably because , with wooden blocks fixed on the pedals , I was able to reach it in comparative comfort .
13 But early yesterday , several thousand people with different ideas assembled at the Dynamo Metro station , and began marching towards Red Square , where officials were putting the finishing touches to preparations for the usual annual parade .
14 Good communication within the team is essential for harmonious working relationships , with weekly meetings headed by the team leader to discuss the nurses ' evaluation of their modular experiences .
15 The sequence also shows a structural homology with fos-related molecules based on the heptad repeat of leucine residues ( leucine zipper ) preceded by a basic region shown below as asterisks ( 5 ) .
16 Between Talabheim and Altdorf the river is joined by many streams which flow south from the Middle Mountains , laden with dark soils washed from the mountain slopes .
17 Following her Aug. 29 announcement of willingness to negotiate ceasefire agreements with the various groups in conflict with her government [ see pp. 37657-58 ] , Aquino announced in early September her acceptance in principle of a limited ceasefire with communist insurgents , and also with rebel soldiers led by the fugitive officer Gregorio Honasan , in northern areas affected in the July earthquake [ for which see p. 37613 ] .
18 Memory training is much discussed these days , and several popular books have been published on the subject , some with extravagant claims built into the titles .
19 With individual voices chosen from the sound-card a reasonably close approximation to the a performance can be produced .
20 Through his efforts , the Liverpool Society for the Deaf was formed on 23rd April 1864 , with simple services held in the school buildings in Oxford Street .
21 italic characters with extra flourishes used at the beginning of chapters .
22 She could illustrate her arguments with clever examples drawn from the real world of commerce .
23 The advent of racier papers with topless models featured on the inside pages and a grim concentration on the latest doings of talentless television stars , equally talentless soccer stars and the Royal Family had taken away its market .
24 Neuropeptide Y has also been isolated from the gastrointestinal tract with large concentrations found in the biliary tree .
25 In the same way , workers , committed to the abolition of national States and to internationalism , might ally , to overthrow the Tsar , with national movements dedicated to the creation of new national States .
26 Thus , whereas section 1 deals with false statements associated with the supply of goods , section 14 deals with false statements associated with the provision of services .
27 Thus , whereas section 1 deals with false statements associated with the supply of goods , section 14 deals with false statements associated with the provision of services .
28 He turned to the tables against the wall behind them , on which lay various glassy-looking objects , some in display cabinets , most loose , all with explanatory notes stuck to the wall above them .
29 Mr Peter Archer , chairman of the housing committee of the Institution of Environmental Health Officers , said yesterday : ‘ At this rate it can be expected to take more than 65 years to deal with unfit properties identified by the 1986 English House Conditions Survey . ’
30 The ladies rode with white umbrellas raised against the morning sun .
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