Example sentences of "with [pron] [pron] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There a friend and colleague of mine , Jim Hartle , worked out with me what conditions the universe must satisfy if space-time had no boundary .
2 ‘ When I bought this house and insisted she move in with me she took the path of least resistance and agreed , although even then if I 'd had the wits to see them all the signs were there that although she relished my role as provider she cared very little for me as a person . ’
3 Keble as a young man enthusiastically planned to edit his works , though on closer acquaintance with them he renounced the project .
4 And this all brings us back to God , with Whom we began the sermon .
5 Back in the city there were thousand of people doomed , dying and all unnecessarily because here was plenty , here was sufficient for the whole city and possibly the greatest sin that you and I can be guilty of and that the church is generally guilty of , but you know when we talk about the church generally its , its so easy because that 's general , you and I that are the church , not the denomination , not the organization , it you and I , possibly the greatest sin that we can be guilty of is the sin of silence , I 'm not talking now about a rude , belligerent , discourteous , butting hole , button holding of people , I 'm not talking about that , I do n't see any place in gods word for that sort of attitude or that sort of approach but are we still silent , what about with those with whom we have the right , because we 've created a relationship , because they know us and they 've seen us and they 've seen the experiences we 've gone through and they 've seen what god has done in our lives , what about with those people do we wait for others to do it , shifting the responsibility .
6 She managed throughout the following years to maintain a front of firmness and dignity , earning the respect of the Germans and at the same time extracting the best terms she could for Sark and its people , with whom she shared the hunger and other privations of occupation , the anxieties engendered by two unsuccessful British commando raids , and the pain of separation when many islanders , including her husband , were deported to German prison camps .
7 No certificate has been found for her presumed marriage to Dandré , with whom she spent the rest of her life .
8 A TAXI ride home ended in violence when a man was attacked by two people with whom he shared the cab , a court heard .
9 Count Tolstoy argued that he should have libel damages waived against him because the man with whom he shared the debt had reached a separate agreement with Lord Aldington .
10 Lawton removed his glasses , grabbed his jacket , and followed James De Vere Green , the friend with whom he shared the small-holding together with an assortment of dogs , four horses , chickens and a couple of pigs , out of the door .
11 It was located on the twisting Mulholland Drive , on top of Hollywood 's highest hill in a compound of properties , one of which was owned and occupied by his idol , Marlon Brando , with whom he shared the security gate .
12 Then he 'd write long letters to Richard , telling precisely how long the train journey took and describing colourfully the other people with whom he shared the carriage .
13 Eila Hershon and Roberto Guerra , documentary film directors , with whom he made the documentary The Story of Fashion are also long-time friends .
14 Darren Kerry bought his house for sixty three thousand pounds with two brothers but after losing his job he fell behind with his mortage payments … he begged Citibank , with whom he had the loan to reduce the payment … he even found a buyer prepared to pay sixty three thousand pounds … but with interest he then owed sixty five thousand pounds … and Citibank apparently refused to allow him to sell it …
15 Despite his busy schedule , he made time to visit the conference ‘ Geordie night ’ — a gathering of north eastern MPs and activists — and was to be found one evening at the Brighton Trade Union and Labour Club with his friend Michael Elliot , a political comedian with whom he toured the coalfields during the 1984-85 pits strike .
16 One of the most capable and widely respected of radio managers in Canada is Sid Boyling , with whom I had the pleasure of working , back in those early days of broadcasting at 1OAB where he was chief announcer .
17 Other Hollywood stars with whom I had the pleasure of working in the war effort included Fred MacMurray , Herbert Marshall , Edgar Bergen ( with Charlie McCarthy ) and Barbara Stanwyck , among others .
18 Curiously however , the three traditional lecturers with whom I discussed the matter insisted that the plurality made no difference to assessment of students ' work ; in the words of Mr R :
19 So it is with a good few of the faithful with whom I trod the boards in my schooldays .
20 These extra wires are generally known as the handshake connections and the method with which they control the flow of information is called the protocol .
21 The Etruscans put their burial places outside their cities , and due to the care with which they constructed the tombs many examples have been discovered intact , from the eighteenth century onwards .
22 The nature of the users , their background , their work , the frequency with which they use the system and their mode of access to it ( that is , through an intermediary information officer or directly ) are all factors to be considered .
23 Plans now taking form call for leaving the Japanese practically all of the industrial capacity with which they waged the war and for financial assistance to get into full production again .
24 These differences amongst institutions , and amongst their environments and perceptions of direction and identity , were to account in part for the differences of speed and conviction with which they raised the question of independence or autonomy — or , in the terminology of the time , academic freedom .
25 But that is to miss the point that it is not the unions , business to manage the firms with which they negotiate the settlements , nor to manage the national economy .
26 The degree of freedom which teachers in England are allowed to exercise and the responsibility with which they exercise the power vested in them is a major factor in the unique nature of English primary education .
27 Moreover , even for the common members the speeds and angles with which they cross the orbit of Mars differ from those at which they cross the orbit of the Earth-Moon system , and this further changes the exposure .
28 Gouramis have turned their pelvic fins into long thread-like feelers with which they explore the water ahead of them and , at breeding times , caress their mates .
29 The models differ in their treatment of consensus and conflict , and in the thoroughness with which they explore the nature of social inequalities and the prospects for anti-oppressive practices .
30 If the AE and AD groups differ in the ease with which they acquire the target response to A ( as they well might ) , then differences in test performance might reflect only that there was more conditioned responding to generalize in one case than in the other .
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