Example sentences of "on [noun prp] [adj] [adv] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Congress on March 13 also abolished the CPSU 's constitutionally guaranteed monopoly of political power ( the communist monopoly had already been abolished in recent months in several union republics ) .
2 The National Assembly on March 5 unanimously adopted a bill which entitled all Bulgarian citizens freely to choose their own names , and thus allowed ethnic Turks and Pomaks ( descendants of Bulgarians converted to Islam during Ottoman rule ) to resume the use of their original names in place of the Slavic names which they had been compelled to adopt during official campaigns of forced assimilation , the Pomaks in the early 1970s and the Turks in 1984-85 .
3 Canada on Jan. 1 formally joined the OAS as its 33rd member , having held observer status since 1972 .
4 Austria had on Jan. 17 also reimposed a visa restriction for Turkish people , initially for three months .
5 The Macedonian Assembly on Jan. 25 unanimously adopted a declaration of the republic 's sovereignty , and a platform on Yugoslavia 's future structure ; the sovereignty declaration enshrined the right of the Macedonian people to self-determination , including the right to secede from Yugoslavia .
6 Following the United States invasion of Panama on Dec. 20 to remove Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega from power [ see pp. 37112-13 ] , Noriega on Jan. 3 voluntarily left the papal nunciature , where he had sought refuge , and gave himself up to the US authorities after being persuaded by the papal nuncio , Mgr José Sebastián Laboa , that asylum in a third country was not a viable option .
7 The Council of Ministers on Jan. 24 also approved a 300,000 million ptas investment plan for Asturias providing for the creation of 1,800 new jobs over the next six years with special regard to the mining sector .
8 Both houses of parliament on Aug. 20 unanimously approved a constitutional amendment granting official language status to Konkani , Manipuri and Nepali .
9 The Supreme Court on Sept. 1 unanimously rejected a petition brought by Sirimavo Bandaranaike , leader of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party ( SLFP ) , challenging Premadasa 's election in December 1988 .
10 Without waiting for a decision by the USSR Supreme Soviet , the Russian Federation Supreme Soviet on Sept. 11 overwhelmingly adopted the Shatalin programme ( itself a revision of a programme originated by the Russian Federation government ) for the republican economy .
11 Signifying that the Vatican had accepted the basilica in return for a government undertaking to spend more on health and education , the Pope on Sept. 10 also blessed the foundation stones of a hospital and a Catholic university .
12 Following an increase in violence during 1989 , President Vinicio Cerezo on Sept. 18 publicly blamed the extreme right which he said was trying to destabilize his government .
13 Spain on Sept. 23 effectively reintroduced a system of exchange controls ( abolished as recently as February ) , involving interest-free deposits to be made by financial institutions as a counterpart to various categories of sales of pesetas for foreign currency , while Ireland and Portugal on Sept. 24 both limited foreign exchange operations ( including in the former case a ban on punt swap activities by non-residents ) , and the Irish Central Bank on Sept. 28 raised its base rate from 10.75 to 13.75 per cent .
14 In a speech on Sept. 3 formally accepting the constitutional changes , President Joseph Momoh said that a date for the registration of new political parties would be announced shortly .
15 Saddam Hussein on Sept. 3 formally approved a law legalizing opposition parties and ostensibly ending 23 years of one-party rule ( since the 1968 coup ) .
16 In a first move of this kind , the government on May 16 formally lodged a request with Syria for the extradition of Alois Brunner , who was alleged to have ordered the deportation of 100,000 Jews from Germany and France .
17 The Moslem Brotherhood movement in Cairo on May 8 strongly condemned the killings along with " similar outbreaks in recent years " .
18 Mubarak 's private talks with UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher on May 17 reportedly covered the breakdown in the Middle East peace process , Soviet Jewish emigration , and the current state of relations between Iraq and the UK [ see p. 37332 ] .
19 President Jorge Serrano Elias on May 20 publicly dismissed the possibility of a military coup , rumours of which had been widely circulating in recent weeks .
20 The Majlis had on May 23 unanimously approved a change in its formal title from the National Consultative Assembly to the Islamic Consultative Assembly .
21 The CSCE assembly on July 5 also adopted a resolution on the situation in the Dnestr region of Moldova [ see pp. 38877-78 ; 38924 ] demanding " an immediate ceasefire between the sides involved in the conflict , as well as the [ ex-Soviet ] 24th Army 's neutrality and its withdrawal from the Republic of Moldova " .
22 The National Assembly on July 18 overwhelmingly approved a bill amending the Constitution and granting the government special powers to combat terrorist crimes .
23 Leaders of the Serbian minority in Croatia issued a statement on July 25 publicly proclaiming the sovereignty and autonomy of all Croatian Serbs , as well as their right " to determine with whom and under what regime their people will live , and how they will integrate with the other nations in Yugoslavia " .
24 In the meantime the People 's Assembly on Oct. 8 overwhelmingly approved the implementation of the new constitution as a temporary measure from Oct. 11 onwards .
25 Bosnian Serbian forces on Oct. 7 unexpectedly took the strategic town of Bosanski Brod on the south bank of the Sava river separating Bosnia from Croatia .
26 Prime Minister Itzhak Shamir on Oct. 7 bitterly condemned the decision by the US Congress to delay US$10,000 million in loan guarantees for 120 days [ see p. 38452 ] saying the action struck at " the deepest foundations of Jewish and Zionist existence " .
27 Russian President Boris Yeltsin on Oct. 29 formally ordered the suspension of the withdrawal of Russian troops from the Baltic States [ see p. 39110 ] .
28 The Supreme Soviet on Feb. 14 nevertheless supported a compromise proposal by Gorbachev that it should return to the question , and on Feb. 27 it approved in principle ( by 347 votes to 24 , with 43 abstentions ) a draft bill on creating the new presidency , and agreed to convene an extraordinary Congress .
29 The Constitutional Court on Feb. 19 also annulled the electoral results in the North African enclave of Melilla and ruled that fresh elections should take place there within six weeks .
30 The ruling Liberal Democratic Party ( LDP ) on Nov. 4 narrowly won a by-election for a seat in the upper chamber of the Diet for the conservative Aichi prefecture , the home region of Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu .
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