Example sentences of "on [art] [adj] [noun] to the " in BNC.

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1 The most likely source of water was on the higher ground to the south .
2 Next to the eastern granary the aqueduct , which no doubt had served the successive forts , was provided with a new channel and distribution tanks ; the source of water is unknown but presumably it lay on the higher ground to the north of Hadrian 's Wall .
3 Clearly there is considerable pressure on the various parties to the negotiations .
4 Responsibility in this connection also rests on the financial adviser to the offeror .
5 Responsibility in this connection also rests on the financial adviser to the offeror ( Rule 2.5(a) and General Principle 3 ) .
6 That is particularly misleading on the halfway back to the ball position .
7 The weather was fine this morning and after a full English breakfast , Kenneth accompanied me on the leisurely stroll to the theatre .
8 I have reported on the illegal farming to the CO , and now it 's the turn of the Operations Information Officer .
9 I quoted out loud , light-headed with triumph as I opened a tin of lunch before setting off on the thirty-mile drive to the hospital .
10 I had warned my men overnight to be prepared for an early start , and a little before sunrise , leaving them to pack up and follow me , I said good-bye to my friends at Dalkania and started on the two-mile climb to the forest road on the ridge above … .
11 Subsequently , after the Second World War , that practice has become a token at Memorial Services on the nearest Sunday to the eleventh of November each year .
12 These are made , with a little supervision , by the brownies to coincide with the flower festival at St Peter 's Church in Greenhill on the nearest Saturday to the patronal feast .
13 The lorry speeded up on the downhill run to the next roundabout and the huge road-signs giving warning of the end of the twin carriageway and the start of two-way traffic .
14 COPY A : \3DMENU \*.; * ( copies the files from the 3DMenu directory on the floppy disk to the 3DMenu directory on your hard disk ) .
15 The first two training colleges also had schools for deaf children attached to them , and teachers ' certificates were awarded to students who taught on the oral system to the exclusion of any other method .
16 Markby nodded towards the line of people ahead of them on the flagged pathway to the church door .
17 Furthermore , we have the unimpeachable information of his pupil Posidonius that he was invited by Scipio to be his companion on the diplomatic journey to the East about 140 B.C. ( fr. 30 Jacoby ) .
18 Although fighter opposition was fairly rare , the German flak defences were always intense and accurate and on the final run-in to the target evasion was impossible .
19 They took the same tube into work but walked apart on the final stretch to the office in case anyone saw them together and jumped to the right conclusion .
20 The sun shone on the long road to the south .
21 However , horns were generally seen as desirable , especially for harnessing plough oxen , and it was not until the eighteenth century that Scottish farmers began to breed selectively for the polled factor in order to make the cattle of Galloway easier to manage on the long droves to the London markets .
22 All went well on the long trip to the Jebel mountains and from there the intrepid raiding party set off for their target .
23 The servant , a white-coated padder trained for the infrequent appearance of people like us , goes off on the long march to the kitchens .
24 The cab hit nearly sixty on the long stretch to the next set of lights .
25 For they are on the right track to the discovery of treasures steeped in antiquity and an atmosphere charged with the presence of the past .
26 Descent : Routes on the left half of the cliff join a terrace which leads easily left to the broad descent rake known as Ledge Route ; those on the right lead to the top of the buttress and directly on to Ledge Route .
27 Furthermore , the unfavourable climate may have repercussions on the general attitudes to the black population in the United Kingdom .
28 We now have in place a new estates officer for Cherry Hinton er can I ask that that there is a special report brought to the housing committee er before the summer recess on the possible solutions to the problems that have been identified ?
29 ' In his comments on the Soviet economy to the Senate Finance Committee yesterday , Mr Baker rejected the idea of early Soviet membership of international economic institutions such as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade , the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank .
30 From the window I could see that the block on the far side to the right had had most of its front ripped off , and Eliot commented how odd and rather disturbing it was to see a bath on an upper storey sticking out into the void , as in a surrealist picture .
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