Example sentences of "on [art] [adj] [noun] and the " in BNC.

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1 The team works for a period of five years , with one eye on the recent past and the other on the immediate future , with the result that a whole decade is given critical consideration .
2 However , there are many other changes within the White Paper which clearly do impact on the financial structure and the need for better financial information and management .
3 any more comments on the financial statement and the bills for payment now ?
4 The balance between additions and cuts will depend on the financial climate and the political complexion of the council .
5 With the publication of the Foreign Relations of the United States volumes on the Korean War and the release of the British documents it was evident that Britain had played a major role in the important decisions taken in the early stages of the war , and in particular the decision to change the aim of the operation from being merely to repel the aggressor north of the 38th parallel to that of achieving a unified Korea .
6 The US Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) has announced plans to impose limits on discharges of toxic chemicals into waterways on the 18 states and the District of Columbia which have thus far failed to adopt EPA-approved standards .
7 It travels to the Bardic Theatre , Donaghmore on the 22nd , Craigavon Civic Centre on the 23rd , Ballee High School in Ballymena on 24th , Newry 's Sacred Heart Grammar School on the 25th March and the Ardhowen Theatre in Enniskillen on 26th and 27th March .
8 The realization of the capacity depends on the earliest blueprints and the infant 's experiences of mutuality , giving and receiving or , sadly , its absence .
9 The sergeant looked even more put out when there was a knock on the outer door and the voice continued .
10 They concentrate on the present situation and the reaction of society and show little interest in the criminal 's background , although labelling theory does not argue that all that is involved in making someone a criminal is to call them one .
11 Shortly before the Unemployed Workmen Bill became law , in early August 1905 , Balfour announced the establishment of a Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and the Relief of Distress which would report on ‘ Everything which appertains to … the problem of the poor , whether poor by their own fault or by temporary lack of employment . ’
12 It brought to his notice the heap of auburn hair and , taking his time , he let his eyes stroll down a pinched but puckish face , breasts which looked firm though on the small side and the rest , as he would guess , in regular working order .
13 A housing authority can not develop a strategy to meet the needs of its disabled population without data on the expressed demand and the supply of dwellings within its own housing stock .
14 With the throttle lever on the high-speed setting and the choke fully advanced , the starter rope is pulled and the motor fires .
15 This is similar to ‘ Futility ’ in the sense that Owen uses personal experience to get his message across but his is not so much about the pointlessness of war in general but is more focused on the individual soldier and the difference between death on the battlefield and death in your own town .
16 The Mean Fiddler declined to comment on the legal battle and the theft .
17 The statement before us on the Labour Party and the trade union links sets aside various recommendations on how we are going to cast our block vote at this year 's Labour Party Conference on this issue the options open to us are listed in this paper and I 'd like to make the following observations .
18 A party meeting was to be held on the following Monday and the Whips were making preparation for a vote to be taken .
19 In April it called for a three-tier market , including an international equity market made up of the top 350 companies , a national market for most of the remaining companies listed on the Official List and the USM , and an enterprise market with minimum requirements for those companies not on the Official List , the intention being that those companies in the enterprise market should comprise higher risk operations .
20 The moons shone down , on desert and steppe ; on the polar settlements and the canyonlands where the somnolent canals flow deep and wide .
21 Fazisi concentrates more on the Russian entry and the different crew members and their problems .
22 As he sipped his beer and sat with his back to the window brooding on the bare wall and the bedhead , he contemplated how far he had fallen and how quickly .
23 Every clinic in the United Kingdom has to collect figures on the total attendance and the diagnoses and submit them quarterly to the Department of Health .
24 The discovery of Platinum on the Merensky Reef and the Platreef in 1925 marked what was to become the mainstay of the business relationship between JM and JCI — the refining and marketing of Platinum Group Metals .
25 This has been an election fought mainly on the middle ground and the Labour Party has avoided any links that might taint their respectable new image of smart suits and red roses .
26 Rosa Lee on the contemporary gaze and the work of Bridget Riley
27 But as the cockboat went aground on the sandy beach and the six men heaved it above the high-water mark , Harry saw that Sam was not with them , and by the expressions on their faces , he knew that something was wrong .
28 Dr Peter Stefanini , managing director of Coalite Chemicals , said that on reviewing its business activities , Anglo took ‘ a new view on the chemical division and the liquid fuel division ’ and now considers them to be non-core businesses .
29 It resolved to form a committee composed of representatives of Syria , Egypt , Jordan , Lebanon and Palestine , to meet before the peace conference , and " to co-ordinate the positions of these countries on the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Palestine question " .
30 A decision tree can now be drawn as in Figure 5.5 , the above probabilities entered on the appropriate branches and the pay-offs rolled back .
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