Example sentences of "on [art] [adj] [noun pl] [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 But these satellites provide only patchy service in some areas , which is why it requires capacity on the Russian satellites to meet the soaring demand in Asia .
2 Chaired by the head of English , and consisting of the librarian and heads of all departments or their representatives , its terms of reference were to make recommendations to the head on the best ways to spend the money , to formulate a project proposal , and to oversee all subsequent matters of library policy .
3 On Dec. 4 King Bhumibol made a highly unusual intervention and called on the two sides to settle the affair peacefully .
4 The defendants argued that : ( a ) The proviso quoted above came within the first test enunciated by Lord Reid in the Esso case ( see p 7 above ) ie that it did not deprive the plaintiff of any freedom which he would otherwise have had ; accordingly that it did not operate as a restraint of trade and therefore that it was effective on the admitted facts to terminate the plaintiff 's entitlement to commission .
5 However , West Germany was reluctant to spend heavily on the foreign exchanges to support the yen , because of its likely inflationary impact .
6 And a photographer whose photographic equipment was lost in the city centre last week has appealed for anyone with information on the missing items to contact the police .
7 The living picture formed relies on the large barbs to catch the eye , and move it on to the smaller Tetras .
8 However , a vote on the Slovene proposals to restructure the federal party was resoundingly defeated .
9 In this vacuum of real news , pressure builds up on the non-news programmes to fill the gap .
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