Example sentences of "with other [noun] [verb] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , the analyst must realise that problems do not exist in isolation , but are interrelated with other problems affecting the same situation .
2 * Work together with other employers sharing the same workplace .
3 An expert witness is appointed by a party to assist in putting that party 's case to a tribunal of either judge(s) or arbitrator(s) , with other parties having the same right .
4 It 's nice to be with other people to fight the same frustrations .
5 Eventually they joined forces with other graduates sharing the same skewed sense of humour , Michael Palin , Terry Jones , Eric Idle and an American-born cartoonist and graphic artist , Terry Gilliam ; and on Sunday 5 October 1969 ( incongruously enough , in a scheduling slot which had always been rigorously reserved for programmes of a religious cast ) the very first episode of Monty Python 's Flying Circus was broadcast .
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