Example sentences of "with their [noun pl] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He would laugh at any suggestion that the photocells might point away from the light , with their wires departing on the side nearest the light .
2 Single brooches were generally worn with the headplates pointing to the left and pairs with their headplates pointing to the right , and parallel .
3 He said ooh , he said there was some American students here last week and they were all swimming in there and the man came along with this thing and they bo they were all sat on the middle lo middle of there with their feet dangling in the water splashing away , he said I was dragging this down and this six footer came out , I said , and then they were he said , you 've never seen anybody run so fast in your life like they go
4 He also liked to make people do press-ups , but with their rifles stretched across the tops of their hands ; he would then stand on the rifles so that his entire weight was pressing down on to their fists .
5 Since crinoids often occur together in large numbers ( 'gardens ' ) with their arms waving in the currents , it is easy to see how they came to acquire their botanical analogy .
6 They were said to have been forcibly dressed in the prison uniform and held for at least 17 days with their arms chained to the cell bars to prevent them from removing the uniform .
7 And they was hanging out the bottom , hanging out with their guns hanging over the edges .
8 The pervading atmosphere is one of the 1910s and 1920s , and the tone is set by the holiday houses hiding , like Undertown , among macracarpa trees , or braving it on the cliff with their faces looking to the Atlantic .
9 The ungodly congregation knelt with their faces bowed to the floor .
10 For the eleventh and twelfth centuries new estates developed centred on new caputs the castles and monasteries of Norman England , with their lands spread across the landscape in manors and vills .
11 With their shareholders lulled by the regulatory safety net strung under them and lured by the prospect of fat and easy profits , many banks in the 1980s went for growth instead .
12 With their papers impounded by the local police chief , they are persuaded to bomb the Niarunas .
13 There were two hand-hewn wooden chests , one filled with grain , the other with cloth : there were cooking pots of all sizes , with their bottoms blackened from the fire : there were shiny brass plates and bowls : there were iron cooking tripods , agricultural tools , winnowing fans , pestles , balls of wool and spindles , rugs , blankets , clothes : there was Kalchu 's locked box where he kept money and bits of broken jewellery .
14 The employees appealed and it was held , allowing the appeal , that the industrial tribunal had erred in law in holding that an intention to compete in the future with their employers expressed by the employees in letters to their employers ' suppliers was in itself a breach of a duty of fidelity owed by the employees to the employers and that accordingly the dismissals had been unfair .
15 Standing on the ridge above the Kennet valley with their backs turned against the spectacle of what they had found , she and Ursula said little as the early morning slowly advanced .
16 The twins perched themselves on the bed , Zach sat on the chair by the desk and George and Willie sat cross-legged with their backs leaning against the bookcase .
17 When I introduce myself to a class that I am working with for the first time I frequently begin by asking them to sit close by me on the floor and listen with their eyes shut to the sound of a pair of Indian bells struck together .
18 Rudduck ( 1991:138 ) draws attention to the weakness of some private , classroom-focused styles of practitioner enquiry : " What it ignores are the wider social and political frameworks , beyond the classroom and the school , that shape the parameters of education in ways that teachers , with their eyes drawn to the minutiae of their own practice , too often fail to see .
19 All nine aircraft clattered away at full power down the ‘ deck ’ , with their nosewheels coming off the ground very quickly , in what was one of the most impressive set pieces seen by the writer in many years .
20 People leaned from upstairs windows to chat with their neighbours passing on the canal .
21 They encountered taverns with painted signs hanging outside , and shops with their wares displayed in the windows .
22 Dance of Ponta do Sol : The dancers move in a circle , taking short steps with their heads bowed in the manner of chained slaves .
23 Then Brown Owl called to the Brownies who were left and made them lie with their heads pointing towards the swampland , then with the last two Brownies she made an arrowhead , like this : —
24 That ‘ blatant behaviour ’ was confirmed by another old friend of the Duchess who saw the couple sharing an intimate dinner for two ‘ with their legs entwined under the table ’ in Chelsea 's exclusive L'Incontro restaurant earlier this year .
25 Nils had already opened up the engine compartment , which was directly below the deckhouse , and he and Iain were sitting on the floor with their legs dangling over the big diesel , going through a list of requirements he had produced .
26 13 : the only occasion on which figures occupy the central panel of such a grid arrangement — in this case , dolphins with their tails entwined with the handles of a cantharus ) .
27 Such affinities are also prominent between other pavements , however : ( iii ) Two pavements from Verulamium , each of which has a square containing two dolphins with their tails entwined with the arms of cantharus ( pls. 13 and 14 ) ; ( iv ) The Blackfriars and St. Nicholas Street pavements , Leicester , ( pls. 1 and 5 ) .
28 Punks with their dogs piss in the waiting-room and ask for money .
29 The Brewers ' Society contended that arrangements with their outlets fell within the block exemption of exclusive purchasing agreements 1984/83 , and therefore that the UK would be in breach of its obligations under the Treaty of Rome if it prohibited such arrangements .
30 These plants float on the surface with their roots hanging below the water .
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