Example sentences of "you must [vb infin] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Subsequently the trial judge stated in respect of charge 3 : ‘ You must consider this charge separately against each accused on the evidence which is available against that accused , and on that evidence you must return a separate verdict for each accused . ’
2 And there are occasions , I think we all agree , alright we have to have notes , but you must unwind a little bit to get near to the people .
3 We 'll all help you but you must make a real effort too .
4 to go to the other extreme and over-indulge you must make a concerted effort to curb this .
5 In the absence of such continuous assessment , officially applied , you must make a serious attempt to produce the short-term aims within your own thinking .
6 Whatever the job is , however humble or high-powered , you must make a positive effort to listen to the interviewer and answer the questions he or she actually puts to you .
7 However , you must give a continuous thread back to schooldays , otherwise an unexplained gap may provoke awkward questions and negative thinking in the person reading the career history .
8 This exercise is similar , but here you are given polysyllabic words and a tone ; you must draw an appropriate pitch movement between the lines .
9 For you , teacher , it is not just beating out the time , or keeping the class in order ; you must show a lively interest and response .
10 You must get a good sleep . ’
11 You must get a magic lens in front of your eyes when you fall in love , that makes everybody beautiful .
12 To till properly , you must know a great deal about every bit of your land — you will find variations between different parts of even one small field — soil texture , structure , acidity , drainage , and history must all be considered ; as must the significance of the life within the soil and its relationship to fertility .
13 In your position you must know a gorgeous nurse or two , or a pretty lady medico , Dr Vaughan . ’
14 ‘ You work all over the place , and you must spend a great deal of time away from home . ’
15 No two candidates will respond to questions in exactly the same way so you must keep a fair amount of flexibility in your approach — it would be wrong to stop a candidate from following up an interesting and potentially revealing answer simply because it is not coming at the designated point in your schedule .
16 You must report a respiratory rate lower than 12 per minute , a tachypnoea or any abnormality , such as wheezing or noisy respirations which might be caused by an obstructed airway .
17 They have n't been fighting all these years to get rid of communism to see it re-emerge again so you , the confusion continues , as it is in Russia , and then you insinuate the idea that , with the breakdown of social order and so on , you must have a strong man , you must have strong arms and that 's where your Hitlers and your Mussolinis and all these people come through in that little vacuum in between of disorder .
18 In order to supply a local market you must have a regular demand for large orders otherwise distribution costs push the margins down so low , there is virtually no profit .
19 You must have a great father then .
20 You must have a great deal to talk about . ’
21 You must have a guilty conscience !
22 You must have a critical frame of mind for all historical work .
23 You must have a charmed life . ’
24 ‘ I 'm a great delegator , but it is important to delegate to those who are capable of carrying through the task and you must have a good report-back system . ’
25 In other words , you must have a good plan of what you propose to do and a realistic timetable from the outset .
26 ( a ) You must have a good framework of prior knowledge-of individuals , places , events , central ideas , etc .
27 You must have a good team with a good project manager on site .
28 You must have a good corset first , it 's of the greatest importance .
29 And you must have a good morning tomorrow with Karl . ’
30 ‘ Only a week , and you must have a good week .
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