Example sentences of "you were [verb] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is very difficult to design a pressed flower picture on to a background material that has already been printed with a design , and if you were to use a floral fabric it might be hard to spot where your picture stops and the print begins .
2 Let's say you were buying a particular stock … ’
3 You were wearing a blue gaberdine suit and a white blouse with a pussy bow at the neck . ’
4 The real reason she 'd wanted to leave was the harsh discovery that when you were nursing a broken heart there was nothing more painful than being surrounded by others who were happily in love .
5 You 've got , I think you got lost and the reason why you , you were getting yourself erm tied up in the figures and why there was less eye contact was because you were getting a little bit lost with those figures at the top of the page .
6 He confirmed this impression by asking in tones rank with disbelief , ‘ You mean to tell me you thought you were pursuing a poor man ? ’
7 If you were encountering a tyrannical overlord , what would you do ?
8 In Israel if you got in debt you made yourself a voluntary slave for six years to the person you owed money to , a form of community service , and then you were set free after six years and your debts cancelled and you were given a new start in life .
9 It 's just slightly off er , the track at the moment , if you were writing a living assurance plan for someone , and they 'd already got a Covermaster plan ,
10 Er , if you were writing a written article , then you may well include references , or sources of information that , that help you write that article .
11 it 's like writing an essay , you 've got to try and get as mi many things in as you would do when you if you were writing a full essay but instead of writing a paragraph on each thing you write a sentence on each thing try and cover as many bases , then , that 's how you how you get very good marks , it 's not , they are not trying to test your erm your deep knowledge about any one thing in these short answers they are testing the broad , broad venture of your , of your knowledge , alright , so what you want to try and do is to is a blunderbuss approach when you ans you answer these , these questions .
12 Mm I cer certainly think that 's that 's that 's one way of looking at it , but wh wha what about if if you were take a beautiful scene , the sky on Saturday evening was beautiful .
13 Nevertheless , I think Freud 's view was that er the erm , if it was a really long complicated dream , you were recalling a previous fantasy rather than er necessarily creating from scratch because of this particular stimulus .
14 ‘ With Lime Grove then , if you were planning a long shot from any particular place you had to be sure the camera could physically get to that exact spot to take it .
15 ‘ I came to tell you I 'd quite like us to leave before too long — just in case you were planning a lengthy swim . ’
16 If you step out of line , as I did a couple of times , trying too hard to find out how much money he earns , then he will pull you back and forget it , but you feel that if you were to commit a serious breach then we would not forgive .
17 I was telling Adrian that , you were putting a red light up in my bedroom that I as long as your brother kept coming home with all his friends .
18 You know , especially when perhaps you were having a mixed sort of meeting
19 What it is le let's just sort of get things , as I say in a new build situation if you were having a new house built
20 ‘ You did n't know that while you were having a good Christmas , Hester was making arrangements to send him away ? ’
21 Harvey said , ‘ You were having a nice chat about Turgenev .
22 That is left for members of the host community to do , as it busies itself ghettoizing the minority ; and as it ghettoizes it mumbles , and if you listen carefully you can just discern beneath the self-righteousness , the self-congratulation , the following : ‘ Okay , okay , so you were having a hard time in your own country .
23 You were having a bad dream .
24 If you were to try a new carbon zinc battery on one of these testers , and then an alkaline one , in both cases the needle would bang hard over .
25 You were carrying a concealed weapon contrary to social format and I note that you sport the open-necked look in a zany tie zone .
26 You were making a good point there .
27 ‘ I told you you were making a big mistake . ’
28 Where once you were making a conscious effort to cast long and accurately and were aware of the amount of punch you needed to put into the strike , you will find that with experience you begin to do these things quite naturally .
29 Now when you moved to was that a kind different kind of work obviously you were doing a wee bit more variety .
30 As long as you kept the public happy and there were no complaints — no-one could find any complaints to write into Head Office with — you were doing a good job .
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