Example sentences of "you can [verb] with the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 What matters is that a limitation has been set ; and now if a child brings out a gun , a knife , a rope ladder or even a box of matches you can check with the list and then either stay in role and say " You may have meant to bring that rope ladder , but it 's not here " , or come out of role and discuss the agreed rules of the drama , one of which is perhaps that in this drama there is no recourse to magic .
2 You can check with the governor !
3 You only feel the surge and turbulence of the ocean in about the top metre , so you can stay with the life and sunshine with ease .
4 Well , you can stay with the Brigade as Piper until we return to England at the close of the Normandy campaign . ’
5 You may get fobbed off with excuses four or five times , but if you can continue with the repetition in a controlled way without losing your temper , coupled with reasoning , it is a very powerful way of getting what you want .
6 There is very little incentive at the moment because you are constrained with what you can do with the money . ’
7 Find out what you can do with the machine :
8 you can do with the till in the wall
9 There 's not a lot you can do with the pork once you 've cooked it so only
10 Robert Palmer 's chief executive perspectives speech at Windows World was liberally sprinkled with demonstrations of just what you can do with the aid of fast processors like Alpha .
11 Robert Palmer 's chief executive perspectives speech at Windows World was liberally sprinkled with demonstrations of just what you can do with the aid of fast processors like Alpha .
12 Do what you can to deal with the problem during the day and be aware that sleeping difficulties are temporary and will pass with time .
13 This year I 've been thinking about the many faces of the moon and the wonderfully romantic and lovely patterns you can achieve with the moon as your theme , whether it 's a slender crescent or full harvest , hunter 's or honey moon .
14 Something about do n't go with the zero when you can go with the ero !
15 You can go with the family , ca n't you ? ’
16 But you can manage with the cooking ; and the other part help your mates . ’
17 As long as you can cope with the brushing and combing .
18 If you can cope with the speed problem then I do recommend it .
19 Added Hendry : ‘ It 's nice to know you can cope with the pressure when it matters .
20 Their new delights this time include soaps where you can wash with the wrapping paper as well ; Flax and Rosewater lotion and Man Mountain No Nonsense Deodorant .
21 You can arrange with the Registration Officer for another member of your family to pay your Poll Tax bill , and you can arrange to pay the Poll Tax bill of someone else .
22 It may be that you have an Ordnance Survey plan in your office that you can work with the seller in order to produce an accurate plan , at least one for identification purposes only .
23 Or you can apply for an ecclesiastical licence from you local diocesan council , which means that you can dispense with the formality of having the banns called at all .
24 When you feel more confident and are more experienced you can dispense with the method .
25 Any good weight loss regime should not lead to extreme hunger ; it should be so easy that you can stick with the diet until all the weight is off .
26 Once you have stopped the attacker in his tracks , then you can deal with the grip itself , but until then it is a second priority .
27 You can deal with the brain , you think ; it is a receptive organ , one that invites comprehension .
28 You can deal with the brain , as I say ; it looks sensible .
29 not four so the handbr I mean the fact that you can drive with the handbrake on
30 You can experiment with the creation of different tones and moods in your three allotted lines .
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