Example sentences of "that can be [verb] by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They should strive to present findings in a way that can be understood by practitioners without sacrificing the truth of their assertions , and should pay attention to the dissemination and development of findings .
2 A merit of this approach is that the variables are visually presented in a style that can be understood by generalists and specialists alike .
3 The features that can be seen by colposcopy do not , however , correspond well with the severity of histological abnormality .
4 The need for additional secure places that can be accessed by Leicestershire is not at issue , what 's still be investigated is how a regional service meeting varying types of needs can be provided discussions are still taking place with Northamptonshire county council and into some other current secure unit provider authorities as to how best Leicestershire can work with other local authorities in the region towards this objective .
5 It is the creation of a ‘ standard ’ enshrined in a ‘ god ’ that can be accepted by people from all countries and of all races that is utterly vital .
6 However , in the long term this is not the case , because of the extent of the power that can be gained by patrons .
7 It is all too easy to make the mistake of treating it as a purely physical problem that can be overcome by renewal , as was discovered by costly experience in the USA during the 1960s and in Britain a decade later .
8 An alternative is to break the overall requirement down into elements that can be defined by activity rather than result .
9 The following simplified description indicates the areas of the visual system that can be affected by disease or trauma .
10 There are relations that can be created by expressions of consent , and there are many in which such acts form or can form a component of their creation or perpetuation .
11 Those are the tangible improvements in health care that can be achieved by trust status .
12 This can be used to calculate the required information ; it turns out that the improvements that can be achieved by access frequency loading are to reduce accesses to synonyms from 34.06 per cent to 28.4 per cent for single — record buckets , and from 8.59 per cent to 4.90 per cent for ten-record buckets .
13 Thus from equation ( 9.33 ) the delay per cascaded section is correspondingly shorter and the longest delay that can be achieved by means of a low-pass , L-C , ladder filter is rather a small fraction of the fundamental period or pulse duration of the signal being handled .
14 The Japanese know only too well of the dangers that can be posed by Hong Kong 's ‘ expatriate ’ rugby community in their bid to tread the same path for the next World Cup .
15 We question the philosophy of using data that can be influenced by therapy for comparison of units .
16 The two also hope to accelerate standards by contributing to the definition of an open architecture that can be used by others in the industry to develop software applications , hardware technologies and other products and components for Fibre Channel Standard-based networks .
17 Like Green 's compound , this iridium compound contains two hydrogen atoms that can be eliminated by light .
18 Even like that , hopelessly drunk and quite tired out , there was about him an appealing look of promise , of everything that can be meant by friendship .
19 I am under pressure from a wide range of general practitioners to bring the list size criterion down and to extend the range of care that can be purchased by GP fund holders .
20 The satisfaction provided by conformity is in competition with the often more immediate satisfaction that can be provided by crime .
21 It is a condition that can be cured by hormone treatment , or if necessary , by surgery , and some women have found that it disappears altogether during pregnancy and never returns .
22 Well , er not a lot is , is , is the honest answer , we , we work very hard at it of course , but er the truth is that er the only rights that people have are rights that can be enforced by law , and er in , in law , the only people that the local authority has to provide with accommodation are people who er have children who are particularly vulnerable , and there are very strict definitions of that .
23 It is not only the genes encoding toxin production that can be identified by PCR and other molecular techniques .
24 The new functionality includes distributed schemas that can be shared by application developers to ease development of related applications ; detachable databases for more flexible distribution of databases ; on-line incremental backup and restore for high availability of databases in production environments ; schema evolution and object migration for upgrading deployed object applications and new database administrative tools and programmatic interfaces so developers can include database administration functions in applications .
25 Free gifts that can be claimed by return of the form can help .
26 The minimum width of contact that can be laid by screen-printing is 150 microns , while laser-grooved contacts are only 30 microns wide .
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