Example sentences of "that will [verb] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 are going to be those that will give something to the school , rather than simply be an appointment just for some stature .
2 All in all , FastLynx is an impressive package of well thought out programs that will give anyone with a need for its facilities a comprehensive resource for file transfer and pseudo-networking .
3 You see I would like to see people at the end of this programme to have some idea , not just of fancy figures in the air , but of practical effects that will affect them on the ground .
4 Let y be the percentage of list votes given to that party , i.e. the votes that will entitle it to an identical percentage of all the seats , constituency and list , in the region .
5 Danger of doing something irrevocable and wrong because initial impetus lost and clue that will lead me to the centre not yet found .
6 Looking for evidence that will lead them to the bombers .
7 It 's a wonderful Wednesday of glorious options and opportunities that will thrill you to the core .
8 I agree with my hon. Friend the Member for Esher ( Mr. Taylor ) that other countries are offering to help us to use their sovereignty in a way that will benefit us in the future .
9 In exploring such environments pupils will experience the type of argument and logical analysis that will prepare them for the real-life problems they will tackle outside .
10 But it will mean some form of acceptable lifestyle that will subject us to the discipline of God 's world and the needs of his creation .
11 You are also about to embark on a series of exercises that will start you on the road to a more beautiful body — a body of which you will be proud .
12 Words that will express something of the deep complexity that makes us precisely the way we are , from the momentary effect of the barometer to the force that created men distinct from trees .
13 ‘ I hope to God , ’ he quavered , ‘ somethin' happens that will divert you from the path you have chosen .
14 Venture inside and you would be wise to wear a respirator to filter off the stench , and clothing that will protect you from the steady rain of droppings and urine that falls from the ceiling .
15 Calatin will be able to weave the spell that will protect you from the fire of the Time Chariot . ’
16 And he has laid himself wide open to the kind of criticism that will cloak him in a dark shroud of misery .
17 Christian attorney Constance Cumbey goes a step further in The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow when she writes of the ‘ coming age of barbarism ’ , and describes the New Agers as a ‘ viable movement that truly meets the scriptural requirements for the Antichrist and the political movement that will bring him on the world scene ’ .
18 It is not something that will bring them to the Church and to Jesus .
19 While they were in the pub , in a corner far from a window , the rain had come on heavily , the kind of rain that will soak you to the skin in two minutes .
20 And also : According to local rag , Wilko has denied he will be signing a contract next week that will keep him at the club until 1999 .
21 From Ainhoa the only road that will keep you on the French side of the Pyrenees runs more or less north-east , back towards Espelette .
22 Linda Fraser and Sarah Barrass show you some fabulous recipes that will delight anyone with a taste for chocolate , be it milk , plain or white .
23 After a spot of scrambling below the summit of Carn Mor Dearg , the only intimidating section is at the other end , just below the boulder field that will take you to the summit of the Ben .
24 For those of you new to computing we have a number of tutorials that will take you through the basics of your computer to those teaching you a new programming language .
25 The European Commission have agreed an action programme that will take us into the next century and this is despite the attitude of the present U K government .
26 A party that will attempt nothing for the unemployed at home will do nothing for the poor and starving abroad .
27 Crosby reassured Byrne yesterday after the Republic of Ireland marksman was forced to pull out of the international squad with a calf injury that will sideline him for a fortnight .
28 One of the other the other things that we will erm be taking responsibility for is , is something called the Front Line Review which I want to come back too , because it 's something that will interest you as a group erm , but that 's basically again a Council learn initiative , where the Council 's want to look at over the next month all of the front line services we provide , the , the services that you come into contact with on a day to day erm level and look at , you know , are we providing a service as you want , are we providing them efficiently , how would you like to see them better provided .
29 Mansell 's first taste of Indy action will be in California in December when he tests the monster motor that will hurtle him to the threshold of survival in the most hair-raising episode of his race career .
30 I 've told my son that I am going to get him a forged passport that will get him into the opposition penalty area .
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