Example sentences of "that she was [adv] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Her prolonged treatment as an in-patient meant that she was nearly a year in Addenbrookes hospital , over a year in Hinchinbrook hospital and a further year at Hunstead Park rehabilitation and medical centre .
2 Posh Porky knew exactly when and where she was born and never stopped reminding us all that she was nearly a year younger than anyone else in the class .
3 It was rumoured that she was also a poisoner and a witch .
4 He comforted himself by assuming that she was just a mother-figure to the young man and there could n't possibly be any sex in it .
5 ‘ Exactly , and it did n't improve matters from Alfred 's point of view when he discovered that she was already a couple of months pregnant by Matthew when she married him . ’
6 I think , actually , that she was always a snake during the daylight hours , which is why I never saw her except at night .
7 Mounting the pulpit , I explained that she was merely a listener .
8 Doreen 's eyes continued to dart from one to the other ; then she made an attempt to put Lucy in her place by reminding her that she was merely a member of the staff .
9 Luckily the ambassador had with him his master 's ring ; by the light of the diamond in it , he was able to see Roksanda , and he returned to tell Doushan that she was indeed a girl on whom the heavens might smile .
10 She then sought a fair rent , which she could only do if she were a tenant , but Mr Street of course argued that she was only a licensee .
11 Yanto grudgingly admitted to himself that she was also different by the fact that she was still a virgin .
12 The Cheshire 12-year-old who tried to commit suicide told psychologists after said after the incident that she was still a chatline addict .
13 The fact that she was basically a kind soul did not mean that she was soft on Sally-Anne or herself .
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