Example sentences of "that she have been [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Surely he was n't implying that she had been trying out her feminine wiles on Sam ?
2 And yet , in her case , it did not appear to him that she had been struck down by any kind of ordinary post-natal depression , as Adams 's next words seemed to confirm .
3 She asserted that she had been done out of her rights to the ownership of Mrs Ferrar 's London house , which had been promised to her on the old lady 's death .
4 Diana not only ostentatiously wore outfits that she had been seen in before — to knock a few criticisms on the head about the money she spent on her wardrobe — but she also seized the opportunity to kill off a few more misconceptions .
5 She pulled off the scarf that she had been wearing round her head to protect her ears and prevent her hair getting into her eyes and mouth .
6 She did not feel pain , at this casting-off ; she felt that she had been cast off , abandoned , long ago .
7 And she had never had much time for Angela Cartwright , who , when it came to Grunte , tended to run with the hare , though it was plain enough that she had been put out by Grunte 's placing Hyacinth on his right hand and had agreed with Carole afterwards that they would have little trouble finding the necessary fifty signatures .
8 When she asked him if they had really been as beautiful as angels , he had told her abruptly to look at the portraits , just as now , sensing that she had been hounded out of the house , he had given her something to do , a task to occupy her hands and head .
9 Conscious that she had been crawling around in the hot sunshine for some time without a hat , she retired a short distance to the shade of some trees , sat down on a convenient boulder and tried to conjecture how Alain Gebrec might have spent his last moments .
10 What Alice could not forgive herself was that she had been taken in by it all well , she had had the sense to get out in time , and meet people who could lead her on the right path …
11 Her tone betrayed the fact that she had been keyed up about it ever since the procedure had been done this morning at the obstetrician 's consulting-rooms , and Belinda hoped Faye had been keeping careful tabs on her blood-sugar level in case it was being affected by her mood .
12 At any rate , they had known that the Nilsen girl had n't delivered her message unless they were guessing , word having got around that she had been picked up unconscious .
13 Eventually all was well , pockets complete , only for her to find that she had been cutting out these pocket linings in her already prepared garment lining ! !
14 Two minutes later she was tapping on his office door , clutching to her bosom the file of notes and sketches that she had been working on with such enthusiasm all week .
15 In her haste to get away , she must have bundled up the documents and ledgers that she had been working on and brought them back with her .
16 ‘ Do n't you know what time — ’ she began , but already , somehow , he had moved past her into the dimly lit office and was standing confidently at her drawing-board , casually eyeing the plan that she had been working on .
17 Certainly Joanne Menzies appeared not to recognize him , although he 'd rather regretted choosing the character of Detective-Sergeant McWhirter of Scotland Yard when she revealed that she 'd been brought up near the Kyles of Bute .
18 In all the months that she 'd been going out with Adrian , he 'd never once asked to talk to her like that , in that special way , during school time .
19 It is little short of tragic that she has been cut off , while still at the peak of her singing power .
20 This profound sense of destiny which has influenced her life gives her an intuitive awareness that she has been singled out for a special role .
21 all da evening but then like last night see if I know that she 's been chomping on and off all night she 'll go for four or five hours .
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