Example sentences of "that they be [v-ing] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However erm one thing I think that 's got to be borne in mind and it picks up a point that erm Leeds have made , is that they 're looking towards trendy migration , they say .
2 The listener indicates that they 're listening through non-verbal signals , mms and aahs , stretched out final syllables ( ‘ and th-e-n ’ ) , paraphrasing and summarising .
3 Hassan meanwhile ( between endless rushes to airports , trying to convince faceless , emotionless authorities that they 're dealing with genuine political refugees ) realises his life must find time for love as well as small ‘ p ’ politics .
4 Securicor have joined the cowboys on the contract guarding and really I mean you must be getting sick of us getting up every time about security guards , but it 's an important problem and you must know that a lot of you must work at places where you 've got guards on the gate and we all should take a bit of interest in going to see these guards , find out that they 're working for two pound or two pound forty an hour , they 're working as many hours a week as they 'll actually work with no overtime rate , no night rate , no benefits worth having and I mean really I wish you 'd go to your companies and try and arrange site allowances , cos that 's the only way we 'll get any improvements , but when we talk about resolving grievances , we just took in Yorkshire region someone to a tribunal for constructive dismissal .
5 This man has the unenviable task of telling hungry women and children queueing for food that they 're waiting in vain .
6 Well it is three hundred and twenty thousand pound that they 're paying to this person that should not have been there in the first place , he walked on there , he built places there without planning permission and I think if the council had played their cards right , they could have got him off without paying out this three hundred twenty thousand pound .
7 They 're promoting themselves to a very significant extent on the basis that they 're selling at cheaper prices to the public .
8 Well I think it is impossible for anyone to totally avoid bringing in their own values into work that they 're doing to some extent , but I think it is possible to deliberately set out to involve the values of other people in the way that you carry out the work .
9 But that but that 's tha that 's defeating the whole object of the exercise of getting you know more foot patrols , because it 's foot patrols that they 're talking about all the time , if you give 'em a car you go back to the you know the fire brigade syndrome when it was zip zip zip
10 So you run the risk that they are thinking about one thing while you are pursuing another ;
11 Announcing the initiative , Environment Secretary John Gummer warned that if the industry can not satisfy the government that they are moving towards that objective , then " we will need to move towards a legislative approach " .
12 I think that 's true of the women , but of course an awful lot of our young men erm come from all boys ' schools and quite a lot of our young women from all girls ' schools , so this is the first time , when they get to Oxford , that they are interacting with each other , on a day-to-day basis I should say , and I think that in itself will they are not sure how to act towards each other and there 's going to be confusions .
13 LABOUR Party branch members in Crook let it be known that they are looking for new blood to inject a little life and optimism into their ranks .
14 I readily join him in paying tribute to the remarkable achievements of the academic and other staff in those institutions of higher education in terms of the wonderful opportunities that they are offering to more and more of our young people and to people of all ages .
15 Be aware of the assumptions that they are making concerning human nature ( McGregor ) .
16 French Socialists prepare to feast on crumbs of comfort The Socialists have been told so often that they are heading for total rout in tomorrow 's election that they will be relieved if they manage the 20 per cent predicted by the polls , writes Diana Geddes in Paris
17 Now it seems to me that they are challenging on that basis that they can it can be it can be detailed at the local level that individual boundaries can be challenged .
18 If the Government are confident that quality will not be affected by the financial pressures that they are imposing on higher education to cut the inward resource year after year , the answer is to ensure that the inspectorate for higher education is wholly independent of the funding system and solely concerned with the issue of quality .
19 In a design of this kind , where the flowers and leaves are built up in layers , you should try to look at the outline that will be visible ( in this case , the outer leaves ) , and make sure that they are lying at pleasing angles .
20 It seems to me that they are describing at first hand a world made up of physical materials similar to those which we can see and touch , with an invisible ( to most of us ) non-material life force much like the ether superimposed on it and within it .
21 That they are going from bad to worse .
22 But can the verification principle give him the right to do this , when those who take a different view from him feel entitled to claim that they are abiding by that principle ?
23 Perhaps they 'd never know that they were moving at all .
24 Now , there are hints that they were moving beyond that position .
25 This showed how very different everything was from the situation that had developed in England over the course of centuries , and colonial developments always gave Englishmen the idea that they were moving into empty land and seeing what could be made out of it .
26 On April 21 the Yemeni Deputy Information Minister Amakal Alim Susawa confirmed that Yemen had made a written offer to Saudi Arabia for discussions , after the latter had informed at least four foreign oil companies that they were trespassing on Saudi property .
27 Did anyone out there , when they saw the movie , realize that they were smoking for real ?
28 The strongest signal of Moscow 's fury with the intransigent Romanian regime came when Pravda , the Communist Party daily newspaper , reported favourably on the demonstrators in Timisoara , saying that they were looking for rapid reforms in the country .
29 At the time of their first agency contact , the majority reported that they were using between two ‘ bags ’ ( about 10 ) and a gram of heroin ( 60 ) per day , the typical daily quantity reported being 0.25–0.5 gram ( between 20 and 35 ) .
30 First , they used variable and often vague definitions of abuse , so that in many cases it was not clear that they were dealing with established cases of abuse .
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