Example sentences of "that had been [verb] [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 She heard the incredulity in his voice and it fuelled the small truth that had been niggling at her , unacknowledged , all day .
2 Luke was in command and this time instinct told Robyn there would be no withdrawal , no respite from his sexual onslaught , from the tension that had been building between them since the very first moment .
3 Aubrey had been at his most affected , protesting volubly at the trick that had been played on him .
4 The turnout , across the Soviet Union as a whole , was 80 per cent , and of those who voted , 76.4 per cent declared in favour of the question that had been asked of them .
5 Planting began in 1969 , but in 1981 , 15 years after the scheme had begun , the whole was sold off for a fraction of almost the billion dollars that had been invested in it .
6 We stood in the doorway for a while until our eyes adjusted to the darkness and then , stooping low to avoid the worst of the smoke , we made our way through the crowd to a space that had been cleared for us close to the fire .
7 The old newspapers that had been placed underneath her crackled at the movement .
8 Others went their own way , delving farther into the secrets that had been revealed to them , living in the deep woods of the high crags , visited by petitioners who sought aid .
9 Enraptured by the celluloid screen , we revelled in the romance that had been denied to us , or had been put in cold storage ‘ for the duration , .
10 He looked through the xerox sheets that had been pressed between them but there was nothing too controversial there , just a Jenner Clinic catalogue and price schedule and a few dates and details .
11 All the points of her body that had been pressed against him were suddenly touched with fingers of ice .
12 He also offered in 1014 to forgive all the things that had been done against him , providing that the English returned to their allegiance without treachery .
13 ‘ Although only heaven or more probably hell knows why I must , ’ he murmured unevenly , apparently as an addendum to the words that had been dragged from him just before he kissed her .
14 Sounds as if the guy is suffering from Hemingway Syndrome : ‘ computers may see their silicon lives flash before their eyes , so to speak , just before they die , ’ Prodigy Services Co suggests , reporting that physicist Stephen Thaler of McDonnell Douglas Corp has been playing with neural networks as a way to speed diamond crystal growth but while by day , he created and trained the neural nets , by night , he began annihilating them to see what would happen , randomly severing links , and when between 10% and 60% of the links were destroyed , the network regurgitated nonsense , but as it approached death , 90% of the connections severed , it generated distinct values that had been trained into it , and at times even output ‘ whimsical ’ states , where it would generate values that were neither trained nor ones that would appear in a healthy net , says Thaler , who thinks it may say something about near-death experiences for humans — ‘ It may not just be fancy biochemistry , ’ he suggests .
15 Tosh said he did n't like some things that had been written about her in papers .
16 On a hundred occasions I have idled similarly in a deserted croft in the Highlands of Scotland and wondered about the lives that had been lived in it .
17 Most days Jo left the house with her breasts strapped into a brassiere that had been tailored for her by her mother 's corsetière , two thick white cotton cones attached to a four-inch band , meagrely edged with broderie anglaise .
18 And everyone in Maple Drive , as they cooked , consoled , took out their best suits and thought of even nicer things to say about Donald than the last nice thing that had been said about him , were privately so astonished , so relieved , so savagely glad to be alive that if someone had proposed to bury him upside down in a bucket of horse manure they would probably have agreed it was all for the best .
19 Erika felt goose-pimples on her arms and the thought crossed her mind that , despite all that had been said to her about courage , perhaps she was n't really cut out for stardom , after all .
20 Benny and Eve watched fascinated , as he shook his head sorrowfully and seemed to agree with something that had been said to him .
21 Open opposition is strongly implied by his offer in 1014 to forgive all the things that had been said against him .
22 Well I gave him all the information that had been given to me and we discussed between us various options that were open to us .
23 She lost pearls that had been given to her for her 21st birthday .
24 From his jacket pocket Robert took out a grubby sheet of paper — the translation of the mysterious manuscript that had been given to him in the pub nearly a year ago today .
25 By the time you spoke to Superintendent had you learned anything about the address that had been given to you ?
26 As a way of thanks , we handed Thomas a wee bit of Scotland that had been given to us by Frank Brown , a teacher at Musselburgh Grammar School .
27 She went and fetched out the folded garments for him , and went about her business at the clay oven outside while he stripped and dressed himself again in the good Welsh clothes that had been made for him .
28 The remarks that had been made about him were confusing .
29 Christianity seemed more and more to mean clericalism and once the Second Crusade of 1147 was over the popular religious fervour that had been channelled into it needed a new outlet .
30 He referred to the Bible that had been presented to him by the people of Memel St on July 10 at the opening of their march .
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