Example sentences of "that he had been [adj] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 He would pretend — for he always had his excuses well marshalled in preparation for any surprise attack of questioning — that he had been disinclined to stop because of the stone 's unnaturalness resulting from Mr Pocklington 's enthusiastic enterprise in housing an old woman there whose hand — for a fee — you could shake under the stone .
2 Whilst suggesting that he had been keen to run , he explained his decision on the grounds that his obligation to the people of his state came before his personal ambition for the presidency .
3 By 20 July Wolfgang was writing to Leopold that he had been obliged to move out of the Weber 's house and find different lodgings , since ‘ people were gossiping ’ .
4 A year or so later I chanced to meet him and he acknowledged that this was just criticism , but that he had been obliged to insert these names so that his book would look like a truly up-to-date , intouch work of scholarship .
5 The relative lack of resonance of the boycott can only have indicated to Hitler that he had been right to keep a fairly low public profile on the ‘ Jewish Question ’ .
6 Mr Reynolds admitted that he had been afraid to eat or drink because of the possible effects on his bowel and bladder .
7 After some weeks , Paisley reported that he had been unable to persuade the speaker of the House of Commons to allow the Black case to be raised in an adjournment debate and that he was pessimistic of having it raised in Parliament in any other form .
8 Yet it scorched him that he had been unable to give her that chance himself .
9 According to Ben , she had waited for him and he had failed her ; never mind that the real fault was not his , or that he had lain at death 's door , or that he had been loath to go to her as a cripple , with nothing to offer but a life of struggle .
10 He also pointed out that he had been careful to avoid stating that DI5 was the agency responsible .
11 He was glad , at any rate , that he had been able to arrange these weeks at ‘ La Felicità ’ , a summer which they would always remember .
12 Almost twenty years alter the incident Coleridge was persuaded by Byron to publish the poem , and he then made the sensational claim that he had been able to remember 200 to 300 lines of perfect poetry when he had awoken from a drug-induced sleep , and was busy writing them down when he was interrupted by someone from Porlock demanding to see him on business .
13 Moreover , the head claimed that he had been able to use the appraisal to make a strong case against a proposed reduction of 7.4 staff , in line with cutbacks planned by the LEA due to falling rolls and reductions in spending .
14 On Jan. 22 it was reported that the government had ordered a tightening of security at the prison holding Pablo Escobar amid reports that he had been able to continue running his drug cartel through visitors .
15 It was the first time since her death that he had been able to think of it with anything like acceptance .
16 The fact that he had been able to make the journey across the Atlantic meant that life was at last reverting to its customary shape .
17 He had told Merymose nothing of his thoughts about Ipuky and Reni — sensing the policeman 's disappointment and mistrust when he told him that he had been able to find out no more than he had himself .
18 His decision was appealed and the parents claimed that he had been wrong to interpret the 1976 act in such a way as to exclude any case where a claim was made in respect of a person who was born alive but who died from ante-natal injury .
19 Willie Carson will also resting easy after suggestions that he had been wrong to bring about the withdrawal of the red-hot favourite , Superoo , before the start of Ascot 's opening event on Saturday , having done a similar thing with the favourite , Red Paddy , before the Royal Hunt Cup .
20 He realised that he had been foolish to risk the search alone , but there was no turning back .
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