Example sentences of "that he [modal v] have [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I note that the hon. Gentleman did not take this ideal opportunity to deny that he may have been involved in the passing to the press of a bogus document about the alleged future of InterCity .
2 This business of him going missing … ’ began the Brigadier , ‘ It 's possible that he might have been involved in something big .
3 I suppose some people might have but I think I did n't really want to face up to the fact that he might have been that man on the beach . ’
4 And I accept that he might have been upset but there are no polemics , so why destroy a great victory ?
5 I thank Mr Reckord for now admitting that he might have been insensitive in his remarks .
6 He gasped with delight at the sight that met his tired eyes rows and rows of fresh fruit and vegetables that he would have been proud to sell .
7 As we can be sure that Howard would have approved of the constructive use of prisoners ' time and energy and training in work habits , so we can probably also assume that he would have been disappointed in and disapproving of the latest trend .
8 Keith Speed , MP , the former Admiralty Under Secretary , said on television ( BBC Newsnight ) that he would have been astonished if those ships , from Exercise spring Train , had not been carrying nuclear weapons .
9 That maintenance was continued so long is probably due to the fact that Gordon Thomas , its instigator , had by this time become General Manager of the Grand Junction Company , and it is understandable that he would have been reluctant to preside over the disintegration of the lift , his most original and spectacular achievement .
10 Of its contents he retained only the haziest notion ; and he explained that he would have been reluctant to contribute to such a volume — his Second Thoughts on Humanism , published a year earlier , had consisted of a devastating criticism of the editor — save that it represented a tribute to Irving Babbitt , whom he had always revered as one of his masters and about whom he felt that his early criticism had been misunderstood , not least by Babbitt himself .
11 Two weeks ago Hoomey knew that he would have been terrified putting any part of his anatomy within an inch of Bones 's long , grooved teeth , but habit had given him confidence .
12 His sabre , unfortunately , was on the other side of the sepoy ( it was a good thing he had not noticed it because it was so sharp that he would have been able to slice Fleury in two without even pressing ) .
13 Because that would mean that he would have been able to hold on to his job .
14 It was several months before anything significant happened in Edward 's life — by which time he was so sick of the stagnant war that he would have been prepared to be parachuted into the heart of Germany wearing a kilt .
15 Even I can see that he should have been implacable . ’
16 Late in his recorded career he described himself as ‘ only simply lettered ’ , but his extensive citation of biblical , patristic , and canonistic authorities in both Latin and English suggests that he must have been familiar with academic sources .
17 When they turn to the handling charge they must presume that he is not guilty of robbery ; and , if they are quite satisfied that he must have been guilty of the one offence or the other , they are bound to conclude that he was guilty of handling .
18 But Wiener 's comments on the corruption he observed in megabuck science are so scathing that he could have been open to a libel suit had he been too specific .
19 He finally finds contentment in living a basic life and repaying Joe what he owes him and he soon realises that he could have been happy staying with Joe in the forge .
20 If the director had been gay my guess is that he 'd have been stereotyped . ’
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