Example sentences of "that he [verb] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The Leader of the Opposition simply pointed out in an article that he wrote just before the party conference that the proportion of gross domestic product — national income — devoted to education since 1979 had dropped , and that if it had remained the same , the difference would be the figure to which the hon. Gentleman has referred .
2 It may be of interest to many , particularly Bennett 's detractors , to know that he disapproved originally of the Main Force having H2S , even the earlier versions .
3 There were eventually so many people there that new arrivals simply gave Patrick a glance and a nod , assuming that he fitted somewhere into the team .
4 For on the tenth day he sent forward another deputation under the flag of truce to declare that he knew well of the shortages in the beleaguered town and that they would soon be in desperate straits .
5 He told the recruiting officer that he 'd been a sergeant in the Boer War and boasted that he knew more about the Army than all these whipper-snappers who were waiting to join with him .
6 The way Matthew treats the Marcan source does not suggest that he knew more about the events concerned because he was an Apostle .
7 At the Chair he pricked his ears and sailed over the gaping ditch with such abandon that he pecked slightly on the landing side .
8 A propos , one is tempted to suggest that he reflect further on the Walther Benjamin question of the aura which perhaps no longer needs to be ‘ blocked ’ since it is historically lost .
9 From these it is clear that he identified completely with the men in the outposts , believing as they did that if all was well in the boma the empire could be left to take care of itself .
10 In 1598 , the estates reverted back to Maximilian Dalison , although it was not until 1601 , that he regained his full inheritance , and it is unlikely that he spent much on the maintenance of the buildings as it appears he was always short of cash .
11 We know that he kept away from the moor , so it 's unlikely that he waited at the moor gate every evening .
12 Madame wondered how long it would be before Boy got his hair cropped short so that he looked just like the others .
13 Jacob reveals by his first words to Esau that he belongs still to the world of their stiff courtesy , and not yet to that of his brother 's gay abandon .
14 Is the Minister aware that in Scotland we have gained the impression that while the Secretary of State for Scotland is prepared to have meetings about the industry such as the one that he had yesterday with the shadow Secretary of State for Industry — the man with the real power in relation to the steel industry , the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry , is not prepared to lift a finger to help secure a future for steel production in Scotland ?
15 Not that he demanded much in the way of satisfactions .
16 To say that the other can remain absolutely other , that he enters only into the relationship of conversation , is to say that history itself , an identification of the same , can not claim to totalise the same and the other .
17 The fact that he did so with the help of Catholic mercenaries and received a letter of congratulations from the Pope has been overtaken by the mythology that this was a victory for Protestantism .
18 But all the indirect evidence , including the records of his reading in such writers on generation as Erasmus Darwin , Johannes Müller and Giorgio Gallesio , makes it most probable that he came to pangenesis in such a revision of his 1838 position , and that he did so in the years 1840–1 .
19 I pay tribute to him for first raising the subject of league tables for schools ' performances in the Bill that he introduced earlier in the year .
20 Samuel , who had sharply critical judgment , thought that he presided well over the Cabinet in the first year of the Government , prepared himself carefully for its meetings and prevented ‘ knots or tangles … from being drawn tight ’ .
21 It is unknown to find any subject of Her Majesty who does not say , when asked , that he cares passionately for the Health Service , and believes that more money should be spent on it .
22 Beckmann was a latecomer to modernism ; it was not until after the First World War that he turned noticeably to the sharply outlined Expressionism that came to typify his work .
23 Hotspur looked up , and above the enemy ranks the hill soared rounded and perfect , the shape of a woman 's breast , with a sunlit nipple pointing at the sky , that vast , spacious sky of Northumbria that he missed even above the grander mountains of Wales .
24 But it was n't until Robert thought he recognized a familiar English word that he leaned across to the headmaster to check if he had heard it correctly .
25 And er he sort of admitted that he lives absolutely on the fringe of the no go area .
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